Humorous Publisher Farewells Daniel Burgard, LIB 09 Jun 1995 19:21 UTC

Here is a silly note to brighten your day as you deal with the
onslaught of renewal notices for periodicals you obtain through a

Have you ever considered how humorous some farewell letters in the
last issues of periodicals can be?  What brings this up is the June
issue of Wilson Library Bulletin.  Inside is a nicely worded notice
saying this is the last issue, etc.  While this letter is definitely
not humorous, it did bring to mind a very funny letter we received a
few months ago from the publisher of Garbage, a magazine devoted to
garbage/solid waste issues.  Following are a few lines directly (no
embellishment added) taken from the letter.

It starts:

"Dear Garbage Subscriber:

Your loyal committment to Garbage and our shared mission makes this a
difficult letter to write.  Due to financial difficulties, we are no
longer able to publish Garbage."

It goes on to say they will substitute issue of the magazine OUTSIDE
for the remainder of the subscription.  The letter adds:

"If you are already an OUTSIDE subscriber, your subscription will be
extended by the remaining dollar value of your Garbage subscription."

I in no way intend to belittle the publication Garbage, but every
time I look at this letter taped to my office wall, I just break out
into a great big smile.  If you would like, I could fax you a copy so
you to can have your day brightened by Garbage.

Daniel Burgard                        Email:
Serials Librarian                     Phone: 817-867-2348
Texas State Technical College         Fax:   817-867-2339
3801 Campus Drive
Waco, TX  76705