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GreyNet Newsletter Vol.6, No.4, 1997 (fwd) Marcia Tuttle 26 Dec 1997 16:58 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 13:18:51 +0100
From: Dominic.Farace <Dominic.Farace@INTER.NL.NET>
Subject: GreyNet Newsletter Vol.6, No.4, 1997

GREYNET'S NEWSLETTER ------------------------------------------------------

         ~~~   B e s t   W i s h e s   f o r   1 9 9 8   ~~~

  NewsBriefNews                   Quarterly Newsletter
  Vol. 6, No. 4, 1997             ISSN 0929-0923 (Email Version)


  The Luxembourg Convention  . . . . . . . . . . . 1
  Curriculum Development and Grey Literature . . . 2
  NASA/LaRC Electronic Survey  . . . . . . . . . . 3
  Utility of GL in Security Studies  . . . . . .   4
  Coming Events '98        . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
  Questionnaire Results    . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
  Closing Statement GL'97  . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
  Pre-Conference Announcement  . . . . . . . . . . 8
  Special Subscription Offer . . . . . . . . . . . 9


  Grey Literature Network Service
  Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  Tel/Fax : 31-20-671.1818 - Email:

1    T H E   L U X E M B O U R G   C O N V E N T I O N
     Third International Conference on Grey Literature
The Third International Conference on Grey Literature referred
to by many as "The Luxembourg Convention" has been evaluated by
the delegates and participants from the 24 countries represented.
The results of the questionnaire illustrated by the statistics
demonstrate a very successful international S&T Event. An event
that was hosted by the Commission of the European Communities.

This conference was successful in redefining the term Grey
Literature for the 21st Century "that which is produced on all
levels of government, academics, business and industry in print
and electronic formats, but which is not controlled by commercial
publishers". A definition that will also be remembered as the
Luxembourg Convention.

2    C U R R I C U L U M   D E V E L O P M E N T
     A N D   G R E Y   L I T E R A T U R E
Library schools and colleges have and continue to neglect and
underplay the significance of grey literature in their curricula.
These schools maintain the status quo and remain snug in their
programs geared to bookstores and commercial publishers. For
these institutions grey literature remains a footnote in readers
and text books along with other terms such as alternative press,
alternative literature, report literature, unconventional and
non-conventional literature, etc.

The broader context in which curriculum development can be
linked to grey literature spans from the production and use of
grey literature by practitioners in various fields of science,
government, and business. When the archaeologist deposits
his/her field report as the only artifact of their work, when
the journalist bases his/her article on sources, which they
explicitly refer to as grey, when the economist produces
his/her working paper or the policy maker publishes a green
paper on patents and innovation, then the curriculum in
library schools is already shown to be circumvented and passe.

While this in itself is not a very flattering statement, it is
not meant solely to criticize but instead to challenge the
schools of library and information science into rethinking and
hopefully reformulating their curricula as it applies to grey
                                     The Editor, December 1997

3    N A S A - L a R C   E L E C T R O N I C   S U R V E Y
     L e t t e r   t o   t h e   E d i t o r

Dear GreyNet,

May I solicit your help in obtaining the cooperation and assistance of the
Grey Literature community? The Langley Technical Report Server (LTRS) is
an electronic report distribution system server that uses World Wide Web
(WWW) protocols and contains NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC)-authored
technical reports. Over 1200 technical reports are currently available to
the world via desktop access.

The URL is

We have added an (electronic) survey on LTRS that is designed to provide us
with user feedback (input) concerning the format of LaRC-authored technical
reports. The survey takes an average of 22.3 minutes to complete. The
e-mail addresses and locations of survey participants are confidential and
are by design not known to us. The purpose of the survey is to determine
the preferences of users such that we can design technical reports for use
in an electronic format. Our goal is 200 completed by February 1998.

Using your great offices, would it be possible to solicit the help of the
Grey Literature community (worldwide) to find engineers and scientists who
would take time from their workday to complete the survey? Your help in
this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.


Thom Pinelli,
NASA-LaRC Educational Technology
and Distance Learning Officer

4    T H E   U T I L I T Y   O F   G R E Y   L I T E R A T U R E
     I N   S E C U R I T Y   S T U D I E S
Researchers can learn a great deal about a country's military
agenda by tracking that nation's scientific, technological, and
commercial programs. Analysts are finding that they can use
company data to identify potential military developments. For
example, Iraq obtained much of its weapons technology from
companies in France, Switzerland, and Germany. By tracking the
backgrounds of scientists employed in national laboratories a
researcher may discover weapons programs under development.
Scientist's backgrounds are often included in articles, which
they have authored for technical journals. Grey Literature (GL),
which comprises a significant part of open-source information,
can answer many questions regarding security studies by providing
valuable insights into national military programs.

Grey Literature is one of the richest resources available for
scientific, technological, and industrial information. Various
types of GL documents include technical and economic field
reports, working papers, roundtable discussions, unofficial
government documents, proceedings, preprints, research studies,
dissertations, theses, company brochures, trade literature,
market surveys, and newsletters. GL may be academic, scientific,
and commercial in nature. It may be written to prove theories,
illustrate facts, or report activities. In the case of company
brochures, it is meant to market or promote business activities.

There are several unique qualities that make Grey Literature
significant as a source for security studies. First, it is not
distributed through normal publication channels and, therefore,
is hard to identify and difficult to access. Second, GL is
usually uncensored and more directly relevant than many other
sources of information. Third, it often cuts across a variety
of disciplines to provide an overview of any given situation.
Finally, GL can communicate results, market products, and promote
discussions among professionals. This is quite different from
national statements that convey official positions, promote
policies, and define export practices.

Some uses for GL in security studies include the capability to
corroborate or refute, to identify or discover, and to predict.
Grey Literature can corroborate or refute statements and theories
by providing the underlying facts of a situation. Recently,
while discussing transfers of their dual-use items to a country,
a government official dismissed the utility of the items as
minimal. Later, at a technical conference, a scientist from the
receiving country explained how they had used the transferred
items to develop new weapons systems. Thus, he inadvertently
refuted the statement of the government official and confirmed
the suspicions of intelligence analysts.
Grey Literature can identify national military capabilities and
their related threats. Quite often company brochures or annual
reports will expose new R&D, technological advancements, mergers,
office expansions, and strategic alliances. These publications
may define the dual-use nature of these activities or products
and thus will exhibit the potential military capability of a
Additionally, Grey Literature can uncover technical experts and
academic links, tell stories about the type of expertise being
used in the research, and bring national research projects into
perspective. The normal practice for authors is to give a brief
biography at the end of a presented paper. These biographies
describe the universities attended, subjects studied, and
professors that they studied under, which may point to their
involvement in weapons development programs.

Using Grey Literature, researchers can predict a country's
current military capability and gauge their ability to build new
weapons systems. Company brochures or national program guides may
be intended to lure potential investors to contribute to the
development of their programs. However, these studies on systems
and proposed acquisitions may bring to light significant details
on the uses of seemingly unimportant products such as machine
tools, trailers, or aircraft engines. The researcher can then
piece together the dual-use attributes of systems that can be
adapted for military use. A researcher may also begin to see the
development of a company and predict that it may move into
vertical markets such as full weapons systems.

Just as Grey Literature can help predict military capabilities,
it can also forecast the military intentions of a nation. Some
activities, procedures, research, professions, or systems can
only be used for the purpose of developing weapons systems. For
instance, a scientist mentions in his paper presented at an
environmental conference that he also conducted research on
cultivating a certain bacteria. When it is known that such
bacteria only have use in a biological weapon, then an analyst
may reasonably conclude that the home nation of the researcher
may have a biological weapons program.

By nature, Grey Literature is an open, transparent, yet elusive
means of revealing national military attributes and intentions.
It supports theories, forecasts intentions, and assists policy
makers to view nations without the biases inherent in official
government documents. GL identifies the new projects,
technological developments, and scientific research, which are
critical to the military capabilities of nations. Finally, Grey
Literature supports the researcher's objectivity, because it is
not sensitized, and provides the facts, not the party line.

The Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to tracking the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction. CNS has developed a system identifying and
acquiring Grey Literature by networking with other researchers,
attending trade shows and conferences, and monitoring information
services (both government and commercial) that indicate research
in progress to point to useful GL as it is produced.
As a part of its acquisition project, CNS has contacted GreyNet,
Grey Literature Network Service.

~~  This contact will hopefully lead to the mobilization of    ~~
    a group of organizations involved in the area of security
    studies, where access to grey literature is part of their
~~                                                             ~~

CNS envisions developing a regime that would provide a means of
posting new literature for exchange or use by other members. As a
part of this project, Jack Boureston at CNS would appreciate your
comments, suggestions, and welcome your participation in any capacity.

                                       Article by  Jack Boureston

Information Collections Manager
Center for Nonproliferation Studies,
Monterey Institute of International Studies,
Tel: +1-408-647-3599, Fax: +1-408-647-6522,

5    C O M I N G   E V E N T S  '9 8
     T r a n s A t l a n t i c  -  G r e y N e t

American Library Association, MidWinter Convention
GreyNet exhibit at Press Table: T1437
Ernest Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
January 10-12, 1998

Workshop on Grey Literature
Dutch Foundation for Joint Training Courses
The Hague, The Netherlands
February 4 & 11, 1998

Workshop on Electronic Grey Literature
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
RAI Convention Center
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
August 1998

F O R   M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N   C O N T A C T:

Grey Literature Network Service
Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel/Fax : 31-20-671.1818 - Email:

6    Q U E S T I O N N A I R E    R E S U L T S
     Third International Conference on Grey Literature
In the open-ended part of the Conference Questionnaire, 57% of
the presentations were mentioned one or more times as being the
"Best Presentation at GL'97". The three presentations most often
cited were that of:

(1.)  Thomas Pinelli and Vicki Golich (United States);
      NASA/LaRC and California State University

(2.)  Paul Sturges (United Kingdom);
      Loughborough University

(3.)  John Mackenzie Owen (The Netherlands);
      University of Amsterdam and Tilburg
      Innovation Centre for Electronic Resources

A C C O R D I N G   T O   T H E   R E S P O N D E N T S:

The information found in the conference materials (Announcements,
Call for Papers, Pre-Program, Conference Updates, Newsletters, etc.)

|  |
|  |
|  |     28%
|  |    |  |
|  |    |  |                0%      0%
|  |    |  |               |  |    |  |
 1.      2.                 3.      4.
 1. Quite satisfactory      3. Unsatisfactory
 2. Satisfactory            4. No response

The administration of GL'97 including the pre-registration, the
correspondence, the registration desk, etc. was:

|  |
|  |
|  |     22%
|  |    |  |
|  |    |  |                0%      0%
|  |    |  |               |  |    |  |
 1.      2.                 3.      4.
 1. Quite satisfactory      3. Unsatisfactory
 2. Satisfactory            4. No response

The facilities and services at the conference centre (catering, seating
arrangements, technical equipment, etc.) were:

|  |
|  |     31%
|  |    |  |
|  |    |  |                0%      0%
|  |    |  |               |  |    |  |
 1.      2.                 3.      4.
 1. Quite satisfactory      3. Unsatisfactory
 2. Satisfactory            4. No response

The content and quality of the Authors' presentations were:

        |  |
        |  |
        |  |
 17%    |  |                11%     11%
|  |    |  |               |  |    |  |
 1.      2.                 3.      4.
 1. Quite satisfactory      3. Unsatisfactory
 2. Satisfactory            4. No response

Finally, based on comments and recommendations recorded in the
Questionnaire and from Position Statements made by Spokesmen from
the various Working Groups, the GL'99 Program has been further
drafted (see below).

7    C L O S I N G   S T A T E M E N T  -  GL'97
     T h e   C e n t e r   f o r   R e s e a r c h   L i b r a r i e s
This is the second International Grey Literature Conference in which
I have participated. I have been most impressed with the abilities of
Dominic Farace to identify the significant issues affecting grey
literature and to organize conferences in such a way that they are
truly international in scope and audience participation.
While they provide us with a wonderful opportunity to come together,
discuss the issues, and learn from each other, these conferences are
equally valuable in that they anticipate trends in grey literature.
Thus we are able to envision situations in our own institutions in
advance and prepare for them accordingly.

Based on my enthusiasm for the International Grey Literature Conferences
and the fact the my own organization, the Center for Research Libraries,
is so heavily involved in collecting grey literature, I would like to
announce that the Center has agreed to act as the main sponsor for
the fourth International Grey Literature Conference. This conference
will be held in Chicago, Illinois USA in October 1999, and is entitled
"New Frontiers in Grey Literature: The Geographic Approach". The focus
will, of course, be on grey literature in specific geographic areas or
countries of the world, as well as on specific topical subjects important
to special interest groups.

The Commission of the European Communities, and our personal hosts Mario
Bellardinelli and Irja Vounakis, and Luxembourg itself have set a standard
for us to follow regarding site facilities and a conference venue.
I believe Chicago and the Center for Research Libraries are equal to
the task. I, therefore, cordially invite you to Chicago and CRL to attend
the Fourth International Grey Literature Conference in 1999.

                                                   Don Simpson, President

                                        The Center for Research Libraries
                                           Your Branch Library in Chicago
                           Preserving the Past While Inventing the Future

8    P R E - C O N F E R E N C E   A N N O U N C E M E N T
     Draft Program, Host and Main Sponsor

The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) has agreed to act as Host and
Main Sponsor of the Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature
entitled "New Frontiers in Grey Literature: the Geographic Approach".
This event will take place in October 1999 in Chicago, USA.

D R A F T   P R O G R A M

Global Assessment of Grey Literature:
A brave new world of topics, formats, and uses

Archiving Electronic Grey Literature:
>>From bibliographic retrieval to full-text storage and distribution

Copyright and Grey Literature:
Authorship, Ownership, and Property Rights

P R O G R A M   A N D   O R G A N I S I N G   B U R E A U:

TransAtlantic| GreyNet
Grey Literature Network Service
Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel/Fax: 31-20-671.1818   Email:

9    S P E C I A L   S U B S C R I P T I O N   O F F E R   1 9 9 8
     G r e y N e t - Grey Literature Network Service

For every new or renewed subscription for 1998, the GreyNet Subscriber will
receive "free-of-charge" the publication of choice. Indicate your choice of
FREE publication and complete the form attached:

[ ] Notebook on Grey Literature                            - 2nd Edition
[ ] International Guide to Persons and Organisations in GL - 3rd Edition(*)
[ ] Annotated Bibliography on the Topic of Grey Literature - 3rd Edition(*)

                                          (*) Available 1st Quarter 1998


1. A flat 15% reduction on all conferences and seminars organized by
2. A flat 15% reduction on all information products published by
3  A flat 15% reduction on all printed advertisements and inserts,
   as well as electronic postings on GreyNet's Website.
4. A full subscription to NewsBriefNews, the quarterly newsletter
   published and edited by TransAtlantic/GreyNet.
   Delivery in both printed and electronic mail formats.
5. Unlimited login and information retrieval in the GreyNet WWW.
6. Guarantee that all of GreyNet's products and services in development
   and planning will be offered at set reduction rates.
7. Pre-payment waiver on product deliveries.


 G R E Y N E T   S U B S C R I P T I O N   F O R M   1 9 9 8

Check one of the boxes below for the type of subscription:

      [ ]   Individual Subscription: 125 guilders per calender year
            Registered under the person's name entered below.

      [ ]   Group Subscription: 300 guilders per calender year
            Registered under the Organisation's name entered below.

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  Name: (last, first, initials)




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  Signature:                                     Date:

N.B.  Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an invoice and a specially
prepared portfolio on GreyNet's complete package of information products
and services. You will also receive your choice of "free publication" as
indicated, above.

Check one of the boxes below for the method of payment:

[ ]   Remitted to TransAtlantic, ABN-AMRO Bank No.
      in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With mention of the subscriber's name.
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      The Netherlands. With mention of the subscriber's name.
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      With reference to GreyNet 1998 and subscriber's name.
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      Credit card No.___________________________. Expiration date: _______.
      If the name on the credit card is not that of the subscriber, print
      the name that appears on the card, here ____________________________.

P L E A S E   R E T U R N   T O:

TransAtlantic| GreyNet
Grey Literature Network Service
Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel/Fax 31-20-671.1818 | Email:

End of email transmission.