8th North Carolina Serials Conference (Eleanor Cook) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 25 Jan 1999 14:30 UTC

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 15:17:52 -0500
Subject: 8th North Carolina Serials Conference

This announcement is cross-posted.  Please excuse the duplication.

                     "SERIALISTS---PROVING OUR WORTH"
                             March 4-5, 1999
          The William and Ida Friday Continuing Education Center
                             Chapel Hill, NC

Thursday, March 4, 1999

8:30 - 9:00     Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 9:15     Welcome and Introduction

9:15 - 10:30    Keynote Address
                Donald J. Waters, Director
                Digital Library Federation
                Council on Library and Information Resources

10:45 - 11:45   Concurrent Session One

A.      Making the Web Worthy: Serious Serials Webmastering

        Stephanie Schmitt, Systems Support Librarian
        Yale University Library - Sponsored by NASIG

B.      Retrospective Conversion is the New Miami Vice: An Old Story
        With a New Twist!

        Cecilia Leathem, Head Serials Cataloging and Binding
        University of Miami, Florida

        The MARC Holdings Format: Why It's Worth the Time It Takes

        Kathy Brown, Interim Assistant Director for Administrative
        North Carolina State University Libraries

C.      The Impact of NC LIVE on Serials Collection Development

        Nancy Newsome, Serials Librarian, Western Carolina University
        Jill Ellern, Systems Librarian, Western Carolina University

12:00 - 12:45   Buffet Luncheon in the Trillium Room, The Friday Center

1:00 - 1:55     Concurrent Session Two

Repeat Concurrent Sessions A and C.

D.      Cataloging the Web
        Elaine Druesedow, Serials Catalog Librarian
        Duke University

2:00 - 2:45:  Serialists Issues-Controversies and Customers -What's

        Chuck Hamaker, Head of Technical Services
        University of North Carolina at Charlotte

2:45 - 3:00     Break

3:00 - 4:15   Concurrent  Session Three

E.  Serialists Passing the Baton: Proving Our Worth to the Next Generation

        Nancy Gibbs, Facilitator
        Acting Head, Acquisitions
        North Carolina State University Libraries

        Carrie McLean, Diversity Program Officer Intern and Preservation
          Program Supervisor
        North Carolina State University Libraries

        Lauren Corbett, Serial Services Librarian
        Old Dominion University

        Deanna Astle, Asst Dean of Libraries
        Clemson University

F.      Serialists Proving Our Worth-Publishing, Editing and Getting Our
        Messages Across

        Eleanor Cook, Facilitator
        Serials Specialist and Assistant Coordinator
          of Materials Processing,
        Appalachian State University

        Cindy Hepfer, Editor-Serials Review
        Head, Collection Management Services
        Health Sciences Library, State University of New York, Buffalo

        Cecilia Leathem, Co- Editor-Pioneering New Serials Frontiers (1996
          NASIG Proceedings)
        Head, Serials Cataloging and Binding
        University of Miami

        Lori J. Widzinski, Editor, MC Journal
        Head, Computing and Multimedia Services
        Health Sciences Library, State University of New York, Buffalo

4:25 - 5:00     Breakout Discussion Groups

        Dogwood A and B.     Time to discuss issues with colleagues

Friday, March 5, 1997

8:30 - 9:00     Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 10:15    Proving Our Worth by Getting Good Value:  Negotiate with
        a Panel of Publishers to Hear Their Point of View.

        Carol MacAdam, Associate Director, Library Relations

        Mark Taylor, Senior Account Manager, Elsevier Science

        Mike Spinella, Science Online
        American Association for the Advancement of Science

        The Library's point of view: issues of license, cost, and delivery

        Jeri Van Goethem, Head Acquisitions, Serials Dept.,
        Duke University

10:15 - 10:30    Break

10:30 - 11:20     Concurrent Sessions

        Lightly moderated breakout sessions to discuss interests in the
        following areas:

A.     Pricing Issues
         Moderator: Deanna Astle, Clemson University

B.      Access Issues
          Moderator: Elaine Druesedow, Duke University

C.      Licensing Issues
          Moderator: Carol McAdam, JSTOR

11:30 - 12:00    Reports of the Moderators

12:00 - 12:30     Were We Worthy?--Wrapping it UP
                    Donald Waters, Director
                    Digital Library Federation


The purpose of this conference is to answer the gauntlet offered at the
Seventh North Carolina Conference: to be able to have our patrons give
positive feedback of our worth. Serialists concerned with public service,
remote access, collection development, digitization, cataloging,
conversion, pricing models, licensing, metadata, mentoring, authentication
and hands on, serious serials webmastering will find solutions to make
themselves worthy.  Speakers with diverse expertise in the above mentioned
areas will discuss methods and procedures that serialists can utilize to
be worthwhile in all endeavors.


The program will be held at The William and Ida Friday Continuing
Education Center.  The Friday Center offers state-of-the-art teaching
facilities in a comfortable and attractive environment conducive to
learning.  Services available at The Friday Center include a message desk
at 919-962-3000, a gift shop and espresso bar, lounge areas, and a walking
trail.  Smoking is not permitted in the building, but is allowed on the
patios.  Parking at The Friday Center is free for program participants and
public bus service is available.  A map is available at


Individuals with special requirements to accommodate a motor or sensory
impairment should indicate their needs on the registration form.


The program registration fee is $75. The fee includes continental
breakfast, breaks and Thursday's lunch. Enrollment is limited and is on a
first-come, first-served basis.  When capacity is reached, registrants
will be placed on a waiting list.


Participants may stay in the hotel of their choice while attending the
program.  Several hotels offering a variety of amenities are available in
the immediate vicinity.  The Best Western University Inn is closest
to The Friday Center, approximately one mile away.  Room rates are $80 for
a standard room with two double beds, $90 for a deluxe room with two
double beds and $70 for one queen bed.  The telephone number for the Best
Western University Inn is 919-932-3000.


For further information contact Cheryl Reddish or Wanda Rascoe at NCCU:
919-560-6485 (voice) or 919-560-6402 (fax).

A Special Thank You is Extended to Those Who Helped Make This Conference

Educational Sponsors:

North Carolina Central University
School of Library and Information Sciences

North American Serials Interest Group
Continuing Education Committee

Corporate Sponsors:

AAAS (Science Online)                   Heckman Bindery, Inc.
Blackwell's Information Services        ICI/Southeast Library Bindery
EBSCO Subscription Services             JSTOR
Elsevier                                Swets and Zeitlinger, Inc.
Faxon Subscription Services             UMI

Serialists----Proving Our Worth--- March 4-5, 1998

Please print or type your name as it should appear on your name tag and
program roster:

Mailing Address:
City:_______________________State:____Zip Code:______
Phone______________    __________________
    Work              Home
Concurrent session preferences:  Session 1:_______A_______B_______C
Please indicate your first and second preference for the first session.
Other sessions will be open on a "first come" basis.

Please indicate accommodations and/or services you require to participate
in this program:

Registration Fee: ______$75

Payment must accompany registration.  Make checks payable to NCCU/SLIS
and mail with registration to:

School of Library & Information Sciences
North Carolina Central University
PO Box 19586
Durham, NC  27707