Re: ALA Midwinter Meeting-Changing Role of Serials Acq. Librarians... Tiong Seng Neo 28 Jan 1999 05:58 UTC

Subject:      Re: ALA Midwinter Meeting-Changing Role of Serials Acq.


Could someone please post a summary of this important meeting on Serialst
after the event? Thank you.

Neo Tiong Seng
National Library Board, Singapore

------------ Original message -------------
From: Lisa Macklin <lisa.macklin@LIBRARY.GATECH.EDU> on 28/01/99 04:02:05

Announcement - ALA Midwinter meeting

Sponsored by:  ALCTS Serials Section Acquisitions Committee
               ALCTS Serials Section Research Libraries Discussion Group

Discussion Topic:  The Changing Role of Serials Acquisitions Librarians in
the Electronic Environment

When:  Saturday, January 30, 1999  9:30 - 11:00

Where:  Hawthorn Suites, 1100 Vine Street, Franklin Room B

Presenters:  Jeremy Blatchley (Bryn Mawr)
             Carol Fleishauer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Come join us for a discussion of how librarians and library organization
structures are evolving in response to the introduction of electronic
serials in libraries, particularly the organization of serials and
acquisitions departments.  One effect of acquiring electronic serials is
the number of people involved in the decision-making process in serials
acquisitions.  Specifically, many others (e.g. systems people, reference
librarians, etc.) besides serials librarians are involved in the decision
and in the acquisitions process.  Carol Fleishauer, of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and Jeremy Blatchley, of Bryn Mawr, will discuss
these issues and present how they and their institutions have responded to
these challenges.

Marla Schwartz
Chair, SS Acquisitions Committee

Lisa Macklin
Chair, SS Research Libraries Discussion Group

Amira Aaron,
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect SS Research Libraries Discussion Group