Re: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology Supplement
Claire Duncan 28 Jan 1999 22:55 UTC
Hi Geraldine-
We subscribe to the J in question and we do not have suppls 189-194.
Harrassowitz is our sub agent and they informed us months ago that these
issue were never published... so...I guess we'll just have to wait and
Claire Duncan
Texas Medical Association Library
>>> Geraldine Singleton <singleg@MUSC.EDU> 01/27 5:07 AM >>>
Re: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology Supplement
Can anyone confirm that supplements 189-194 were never published? We have
been claiming this issue without any success. The Publisher told our
vendor Ebsco that they were never publish, but I do not believe this
without some proof.
If your library have a current subscription to this journal, please let me
know if you have or do not have these supplements.
Thank you very much.
Geraldine Singleton
Library-Resources Management Services
Medical University of South Carolina
171 Ashley Ave, Suite 300
P.O. Box 250403
Charleston, SC 29425
Telephone (843) 792-1943
Fax (843) 792-7947