PVLR Forum-ALA (Susan Davis)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 21 Jan 1999 19:17 UTC
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:45:53 -0500
From: Susan Davis <unlsdb@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: PVLR Forum-ALA
The Rewards of Using Standard Numbers in Your Business
A Discussion among Librarians, Publishers, and Vendors
Standard numbers such as the ISSN, ISBN, SICI and DOI are useful in
streamlining workflow, ensuring accuracy, and matching files. The ALCTS
Publisher Vendor Library Committee presents a forum to discuss the
importance of using standard numbers in daily work. Our panel will speak
from a variety of perspectives to address both book and serial concerns.
We expect a lively discussion to follow.
Julia Blixrud, Association for Research Libraries
Bob Boissy, The Faxon Co.
Ed Pentz, Academic Press
John Erickson, Yankee Book Peddler
Monday, February 1-- 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Penn Convention Center Room 105B
Please contact me for further information.
Susan Davis
Chair, Publisher/Vendor Library Relations Committee
Susan Davis
Head, Periodicals
Central Technical Services
University at Buffalo
Lockwood Library Bldg.
Buffalo, NY 14260-2200
(716) 645-2784
(716) 645-5955 fax