SISAC meeting at ALA Midwinter (Julia Blixrud) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 22 Jan 1999 15:42 UTC

Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 11:31:18 -0500
From: Julia C Blixrud <jblix@ARL.ORG>
Subject: SISAC meeting at ALA Midwinter

SISAC Colleagues and Friends,

Join us at the SISAC General meeting during ALA Midwinter:

Sunday, January 31, 1999
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Chancellor & Locust Rooms
Warwick Hotel
Philadelphia, PA

Meeting topics include:

* Demonstration of a Rights Management System software by YBP, Vista, Xerox
        speakers are John Erickson and Godfrey Rust

* Update on the Binding Subcommittee work to define a transmission
format for binding data

* SISAC and its relationship to BASIC

* Updates on serial and other standards activities

And those interested are also welcome to attend:

SISAC Education and Publicity Subcommittee Meeting
Saturday, January 30, 1999
11:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m.
Embassy Suites Center City
Penn Room
Philadelphia, PA

   Julia C. Blixrud                     email:
   Director of Information Services     tel: 202-296-2296
   Association of Research Libraries    fax: 202-872-0884
   21 Dupont Circle           
   Washington, DC 20036