Re: Open Doors diskette virus (Susan Davis) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 26 May 1999 19:54 UTC

Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:04:54 -0400
From: Susan Davis <unlsdb@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Open Doors diskette virus (Jennifer Carroll)

We just received this publication from our vendor with a warning notice
about a possible virus on the shrinkwrap.  It then tells you that you can
view and download the disk files from the IIE Online website:

or you can request a replacement disk from, 212-984-5358
fax, or voice 212-984-5417.

I have not yet checked the website or emailed/called for a replacement,
I'm just providing the information we received.

Susan Davis

Susan Davis
Head, Periodicals
Central Technical Services
University at Buffalo
Lockwood Library Bldg.
Buffalo, NY  14260-2200
(716) 645-2784
(716) 645-5955 fax

On Wed, 26 May 1999 ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu wrote:

> Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 08:55:17 -0400
> From: Jennifer A Carroll <jcarroll@CHRISTA.UNH.EDU>
> Subject: Virus - Open Doors
> HI,
> I am writing to warn people about the 1997-98 issue of Open Doors from the
> Institute of International Education. Our copy came with a disk infected
> with the Sampo virus. So watch out!
> *****************************************************************************
> Jennifer Carroll                          Phone (603) 862-2903
> Serials Department                        Fax (603) 862-0180
> Dimond Library                            E-Mail
> University of New Hampshire
> Durham, N.H. 03824-3520
> ******************************************************************************