I've been steadily consuming the Black Ocean Mobius Missions by J.S. Morin. His universe has magic (with astral space standing in for jump space) but is otherwise quite Traveleresque, as the stories focus on the polyglot crew of an armed merchant vessel and their usually-illegal shenanigans. The ship's putative Captain is a shameless con man whose principle utility is his consumate skill at lying. While the character is also a former ace fighter pilot, he is seldom allowed to pilot the ship, since he tries to fly it like his old fighter!

THanks for that.  Added to my list...  well my phone book sized list...  but it sounds fun.

Currenty giving - after all these years of semiavoiding it - Cthulhu a go with a short story collection a work colleague happened to have on her desk.  They're not quite what I expected and generally better than I expected although I don't think they're ever going to be favourites.  Certainly interesting and I'm beginning to see what all the 'fuss' is about.  My bus book for the daily commute is currently Persepolis Rising (Expanse #7) which is back to the darkness of that setting.
