I've found a YouTube series covering the effort to restore a surviving Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) to working order. The whole thing is a wonderful look into just what someone needs to do to get old hardware up and running when they lack much of the equipment that once existed to service them and have to improvise it from much more modern hardware/software. The link below points to the YouTube playlist covering the series to date.


There is also a page on the Virtual AGC website describing the project.

AGC Restoration Page

Two of the episodes stand out as being a possible scenario inspiration.

Episode 15: This covers using the partly restored AGC to download software that only exists in compiled form, the sourcecode (& documentation) having been lost long ago.

Episode 19: Covers the retrieval of the last information in the AGCs erasable memory, which it had retained since the last time it was used.

I'm pretty certain you could get a campaign out of this...
