Separate fuel tankage? Certainly.

Small craft powering the main ship? That can be tricky--depends on lots of assumptions. Is there a heat dissipation problem? Some sort of exhaust?

David suggests that the main ship would be set up to power the small craft so that you could test their systems. You're not going to test weapons or drives in the hangar, though. Too many things that can go wrong!


On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 7:17 AM Thomas RUX <> wrote:

Morning from the Pacific Northwest,

I've been debating on how to handle the power plants and fuel requirements of subordinate craft.

In my opinion subordinate craft would probably have separate fuel tankage similar to what happens on aircraft carriers for the aviation component and small craft like the Captain's gig. On the Marine transports separate fuel tankage is allocated for their vehicles and aviation assets.

I recall either from a book, television show, or movie that a crippled ship show how managed to use the power from a carried vehicle to operate sensors and life support while making repairs on the power plant.

My thinking is that to count an subordinate craft's power output as a positive number and list the value in the Other block of the UCP.

I'm also thinking that separate fuel tankage should be included to refuel subordinate craft, especially for the craft that use fuels other than hydrogen.

Would my ideas be out-to-lunch or acceptable within the frame work of MT Craft Design?

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