Hello all,

I've been checking the Standard Ship Design Plans on CT LBB 2 1977, 1981 pages 18-20 as part of the Jump Drive Question and the Mercenary Cruiser may have a slight problem with the stated cargo capacity of 80 tons.  On page 20 the details for the two modular cutters is that "... There is provision inside the ship for two additional modules....".

Adding up all of the components including the two modular cutter's with the ATV modules docked there is 120 tons of hull space. Each module is 30 tons when not mated to the cutter. The remaining space in the hull is 120 - 2 x 30 ton modules = 60 tons of space available for cargo.

If someone has the time can you please check to see if I may have missed something.

There is no mention of this in the Consolidated CT Errata v 1.1 (02/01/14) by Donald McKinney/

Tom Rux