Howdy Ethan,

The CT LBB 2 1977 Type S can be corrected easily by installing a Model/1bis computer for the same tonnage but at a higher cost. The downside of the Model/1bis and Model/2bis computers is they have no onboard storage capacity which means to have to uninstall the programs rather than move them to storage.

A CT LBB 2 1977/1981 Type S was corrected by using a Model/1bis computer. Using the 1977/1981 construction procedure I finally matched the cost after forty odd years.

Tom Rux
On October 25, 2019 at 2:22 PM Ethan McKinney <> wrote:

The computer capacity problem is only in 77, fixed in 81. But then they introduced a new problem with the Type-S ...

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019, 09:55 Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <> wrote:

> On October 25, 2019 at 5:53 AM Rupert Boleyn <> wrote:
> On 25Oct2019 1502, Ethan McKinney wrote:
> > My 1977, 13th printing, doesn't have that. In fact, nothing
> >about computers
> > on that page at all.
> >
> > The Type-S has a Model/1 and J-2 in the '77.
> Interesting. Looking at Book 2 '77 vs '81, Computers are quite
> different
> I can't find any mention of computer model limiting jump range
> in the '77 version either, and as even a Jump-6 program is only > size 2 in the '77 edition, a model 1 computer is sufficient for > any jump ranger as long as you don't mind having to load
> programs in and out before and after jumping. Actually, the
> Scout having only a model 1 computer for Jump 2 is actually
> illegal - Bk.2 p.33 '77 edition says "To actually make a jump,
> both the jump and navigate programs must be functioning in the
> computer", and a model 1 can't run Navigate (size 1) and Jump 2 > (size 2) at the same time.

On Friday, October 25, 2019, 07:06:22 AM MST, Thomas RUX <> wrote:

CT LBB 2 1977 page 13 shows that a Model/1 CPU capacity is two, and the Jump-2 program's capacity is 2. On page 31: "...For example, a Model/1 computer has a CPU capacity of two and an additional storage capacity of 4..." "...To continue the example above, both jump-1 and navigation would be required for the performance of an interstellar jump..."

The CT LBB 2 1977 scout/courier with a Model/1 computer's CPU capacity of 2 would only be able to load the Jump-2 program.

The above information in my opinion indicates that a CT LBB 2 1977 Model/1 computer cannot perform a controlled 2 parsec jump.

Tom Rux


It seems that most of the ship designs that GDW published have a little 'something' in them that doesn't quite jibe, doesn't it?

Frankly, I've never noticed that little glitch.

Anyway, it's easy to fix;

If you're like me wrt computer & max jump capability, just redesign the Scout w/ a Model/2 or a Model/1bis.

p.s. The discrepancy can then be 'rationalized' as a pre-prub typo or transcription error.


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