>And on Tuesday I had a (possibly?) bright idea for something to play on the evening we arrive and nothing is scheduled. 

>How about the PCs as the crew of the Wolblutn with captain Bannerji and essentially "the other side" of all his mentions

>in TTA?  I've already got a fully worked up crew so it shouldn't be a lot of work to cobble together three or four scenes. 

>No idea if it will work or be interesting enough for the other five crew members.


Interesting idea if you’re prepared to go off-piste and use the possible different outcome of the “adventures” of Captain Bannerji and his crew against what your group find further along the adventure. Or you could just use the outcomes of the sessions for flavour in your TTA campaign.


Whoever is playing Captain Bannerji and his crew get to experience being “ethically challenged” which they may not have before, and which might be quite interesting.


They get to try and falsify their flight data, be found by the shuttle, shoot it, and try and dodge any ships you want them to dodge @ Aramanx, falsify their flight data again, get involved in the riot that they start there, and then if they get a communication from their captain try and capture a bunch of PCs with the help of some Sternmetal flunkies … what’s not to like?


>Can you tell there's an excited Traveller here, once again?!  Every year I threaten to ratchet back my refereeing at TravCon

>and every year I get excited about the possibilities....


>Hmmm, yes, now I think about it, why *does* Bannerji stand the PCs up at the TAS meal and hastily depart in the Wolblutn

>after they return his wallet in the Leedor on Aramis chapter?


The PC’s have info that can expose his smuggling. He’s a bit of a wet blanket and jumps at any shadow that comes his way. He expects that the PCs can join the dots from his travel plans to his smuggling so he gets stressed and runs (jumps) away from the situation.