Jeff wrote:

>both for submissions and for releasing finished issues. So, open up those
>PCs, Macs, ChromeBooks, Android and iOS tablets, and so on, and start
>writing! Then, when you suddenly find that you've written an article, fire


You’ll be pleased to hear that I’ve been doing just that post-TravCon which just scraped in under the wire as I’m pretty sure that had we been going today not last Thursday, it would have been called off.  Or if not, many of us would have had a hard time justifying it as “necessary”.


You’ll perhaps be less pleased to hear how many words I’ve written already (and not quite finished the text, much less added photos).  Still, that’s what editors are for.


Kelly wrote:

>True!  The worst that can happen is that you contract some other sort of


Yes, unsurprisingly, that was an (unplanned) theme for this year’s con.  It gets mentioned a bit in my AAR too. 


Having said that, I’m just starting an indefinite period of working from home this morning and already with that and all the other stuff going on around me, I’m getting a very visceral demonstration of why I’m not overly interested in adventuring in the TNE milieu.


Bruce wrote:

>All pretty much off (but really on) topic...Just spent my first day working from home, all >classes moved online etc. 


Yes, now working from home and my classes next week will be online.  Not yet sure if they will be synchronous, asynchronous or both.



>Made me remember the quote: “when the going gets weird, the weird go pro”… and In the >immortal words of Sgt Esterhaus ”Lets be careful out there!”


>(TV show Hill Street Blues quote for our overseas members but I’m pretty sure Jeff is quite >conversant with the concept :-)


Thanks for the note as there was a fair chance that we might not have known the quote.  But that one I did get.  Hill Street Blues was very popular here in the UK back in the day.


All the best everyone.  I’m hoping the enforced hometime will give me lots of time to write.  If not for Jeff, then maybe for The Traveller Adventure.  Wait, hang on, how is that any different to my normal life?  When do I ever go out…?!


Safe (solo or virtual) travelling.








On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 03:45, Bill Rutherford <> wrote:
There are MUCH worse ways to spend a few weeks! ;-)

- Bill

At 06:19 PM 3/18/2020, you wrote:
>...being contracted from electronic communications. If you're going
>stir-crazy because the world is shutting down out of panic, you can (try
>to) break the monotony by catching up on your back issues of Freelance
>Traveller (all the way back to the proof-of-concept issue in November of
>2009!). You can _also_ (try to) break the monotony by contributing to the
>_next_ issue (or three) of Freelance Traveller - in spite of our
>"print-compatible" format conceit, we _are_ a fully-electronic publication,
>both for submissions and for releasing finished issues. So, open up those
>PCs, Macs, ChromeBooks, Android and iOS tablets, and so on, and start
>writing! Then, when you suddenly find that you've written an article, fire
>up your email program, and attach what you've written to a message
>addressed to That'll take _your_ mind off
>the worldwide panic for a while, and it'll do the same for _me_. Best of
>all, it's perfectly safe (at least from COVID-19)!
>®Traveller is a registered trademark of
>Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2020. Use of
>the trademark in this notice and in the
>referenced materials is not intended to
>infringe or devalue the trademark.
>Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
>Freelance Traveller
>     The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource
>Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
>enterprises for hosting services:
>onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (
>The Traveller Downport (
>The Traveller Mailing List
>Archives at
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Bill Rutherford

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Timothy Collinson
Faculty Librarian (Technology)
University of Portsmouth
Cambridge Road