Have also just noticed, as I picked it up to look for something else, that the Mongoose 2 Vehicle Handbook (2017) has a TL6 dirigible and the good old Architeuthis biotech airship again.

On Fri, 3 Apr 2020, 22:18 Timothy Collinson, <xxxxxx@port.ac.uk> wrote:

On Fri, 3 Apr 2020 at 21:06, Peter Vernon - pvernon2001 at yahoo.com (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:
Isn't there a tl4 airship in the adventure on Victoria. In an early JTAS I think.

More of a setting than an adventure (although there's a trio of short scenarios - more 'seeds' I think we'd call them these days - at the end).  JTAS 2.  But yes, the airship that is the subject of the Ship's Locker (see top of the list) gets a mention (actually, nearly a page).  But well remembered.  Good demonstration of the inadequacies of my only searching 'indexes' rather than say full text collections: the airships don't quite rate a mention (as there are no deck plans or stats) in my all too brief entry for the article in The Traveller Periodical Bibliography - hence I didn't turn up the reference or I might well have listed it.  I'll add it for future reference.

Here's a 'did you know' for everyone: Double Adventure 1: Annic Nova refers to the "Victoria" issue of JTAS as being #3.  It's definitely #2.


I quite agree they're rather overlooked.  But not entirely.  The Windermann Incident by Martin Dougherty in _Crowded Hours_ (from Mongoose but reprinting Avenger adventures so it existed at one point as an Avenger PDF) features them.  The deck plans leave a lot to be desired in both print and the Crowded Hours PDF, but usable ones (in PDF form) were published on the Mongoose downloads site.  I've not checked DriveThru to see if this/these are still available.


Of course, I can't set myself thinking about that before this is the result.  I should have at least remembered Night of Conquest.


airships in Traveller


Airship: The Ship’s Locker (JTAS 2, 1979) – TL7 rigid airship
Double Adventure 6: Divine Intervention / Night of Conquest (GDW, 1982)
     – in Night of Conquest, plans for an airship port (as well as the palace airship port)
     [& the German translation]
COACC (GDW, 1989) – design rules for dirigibles
The Windermann Incident (Avenger, 2009) – adventure set on a dirigible, with deck plans
Crowded Hours (Mongoose, 2010) – see The Windermann Incident above
Special Supplement 1: Biotech Vehicles (Mongoose, 2012)
     – example biotech vehicle of an Archie-11 airship
     (which also appeared in the 2300AD adventure The Tricolore’s Shadow)
The Tricolore’s Shadow (Mongoose, 2012)
     – Beta Canum and the biotech airship of Special Supplement 1
Vehicle Book: Airship I: Airship Racer (Christian Hollnbuchner, 2013) – TL8 racing airship
Vehicle Book: Airship II: Rigid Hull Recon Airship (Christian Hollnbuchner, 2013) – TL5
Vehicle Book: Airship III: Light Airship Bomber (Christian Hollnbuchner, 2015) – TL4
Vehicle Handbook (Mongoose, 2017)
     – TL11 Architeuthis biotech ship again with revised vehicle rules
Strasser-class TL5 Rigid Airship (Freelance Traveller, April 2013)

Book 1: The Great Rift (Mongoose, 2017) – TL4 military dirigible

Airstrike (JTAS [Mongoose] 2, 2019) – TL5 Sky Whale-class
Behind the Claw (Mongoose, 2019) – TL2 hand-cranked dirigible