On Wed, 15 Apr 2020, 04:30 , <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
And my tongue in cheek suggestion was just along the lines of a jest. I know Jeff works pretty conscientiously and hard to roll issues on time and full of content.

I know, I know.  I don't envy him.  I've "been there".  The relentless march of the end of the month, the fear that you'll not have enough material, the desire to make it a coherent whole, lallygagging column writers, promises of stuff that never materialises, whack-a-mole with errors, material not quite fitting the way you want, last minute panics.  On the upside, I'll bet he doesn't have to type as much I did with the hand written submissions of the late 80s, early 90s!

I guess we'd better try to help him out in the next month or two. ;)

Absolutely.  Although sometimes I fear if I send him any more words I might find my dictionaries are getting a bit thin.

Speaking of which, there are at least two things I was going to dig out for Jeff this morning before it's 'back to work' tomorrow.
