Hello Kenneth,

Thank you for finding the Jump Ship, I missed the page.

CT Supplement 7 p. 37 200-ton 3-G/J-2 SDB Jump Shuttle, when attached to a 400-ton SDB the combined hull is capable of 1-G/J-1.

Tom Rux
On April 16, 2020 at 6:29 PM Kenneth Barns <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 at 09:51, shadow at shadowgard.com (via tml list) < xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:
I recall a ship from way back in days of MT or maybe CT. It had a
sort of "net" that was part of the jump grid and that allowed it to
carry large, irregularly shaped items as cargo *outside* the hull.

CT S9 "Fighting Ships": p 22.  The "Jump Ship".

I'm wondering if something like that is still canon in any of the
rule sets. If it is, I'd like to go one step farther and have a jump
drive "module" that can be attached to/installed on a no jump ship to
let it be jumped to another system.

Isn't that the definition of those ships that are designed to clamp on to SDBs and jump them from system to system?  Pretty sure there were stats in a few different version of Traveller; certainly for GT.


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