Hello Rupert,

On April 28, 2020 at 12:12 AM Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

>The standard world generation rules for CT, MT, and TNE (they're all the
>same for the basic UWP, so far as I recall) all roll the starport first.
>The only other characteristic it modifies is TL, which it has a huge
>impact on, so the other thing a high quality starport indicates is that
>the world is likely to have a good TL. Chicken vs egg is of course for
>the referee to decide.

MT Referee's Manual softcover 0212 1987 2nd printing Basic Mainworld Generation p. 24 Step 3 Mainworld Starport: "Roll 2D to determine the mainworld starport type based on how-well travelled the a particular subsector is." The four options are Backwater, Standard, Mature, and Cluster.

Tom Rux