Just FYI;

What's the TU date?



On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 08:31:09 PM MST, Ethan McKinney <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

I've had a chance to play on the Virtual Map for Squadron Strike: Traveller twice now, and it really makes the 3D system accessible. There's more Traveller play coming Thursday (28 May), and there are always teaching games in addition to the playtesting.

Scenario Name:  The Imperium Strikes Back

After several months of Solomani deep raids into the Imperium, the Imperium sent the Lightning class Frontier Cruiser Nascent Flicker to scout into {System Name} and found a Solomani forward resupply depot.  Calling for reinforcements, the Imperium sent a Ghalak-class CA, two Agashaam class DDs and the Nascent Flicker to remove the base when they thought it would be lightly defended.

Unfortunately, it wasn't -- it was being defended by a Yarmouth CL and two Madrid-class CLs.

(In my two games I played Aslan against Solomani, so I expect that this will play out quite differently. Aslan armament fits "scream and leap" tactics ...)


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