Tom R wrote:

While searching for a The Port Authority Handbook from CT STP02 Starports document

Speaking of which, does anyone have any idea - even ballpark - of when this was published/released/made available?  Even "I've had this on my hard drive since xxxx" would be helpful to narrow things a little.

If not, does anyone have the author's email address so I could ask directly?

I stumbled on a two book item for sale. The books are The Compleat Starport & Special Delivery - Traveller RPG Adventure & Supplement. I've ordered them to see if The Compleat Starport is the same as the material in Far and Away Vol. 1 No. 1.

C. Old material
A while back someone, probably Timothy, asked about a title starting with Dark. During my search for The Port Authority Handbook I found the magazines Dark Star 1, Dark Star 2,

Dark Star is complicated in that there are two Traveller fanzines with this name (and not to be confused with Darkest Stars which is new).

Dark Star: The Traveller Microzine was a UK from the 80s which my bibliography tells me had five issues but I have #2, #4, #5, #6 (and an unidentified one) - so there's an error which needs correcting.  I think the editor may have been connected with Alien Star just to keep things in the family.

Dark Star (I think the only fanzine for MMT) is an Australian fanzine from the 90s which only had two issues.

Although both have entries in The Traveller Bibliography, neither of the above titles have had their articles added to The Traveller Periodical Bibliography vol.2 (still a wip) yet which I shall attend to.  If only Jeff would quit putting out FTs I'm trying to keep up with nevermindthebacklog.  :-)

I should add that all the above is right at the boundary of what I "know" and I'm happy to be corrected on any points at all.  Obviously I'd also be very happy to have sight of the UK Dark Star issue 1, 3 and 4 minus whichever the unnumbered one I have is!  I have the two Australian issues.

and Dark River.

Are any of the titles what is being searched for?

I think it was probably Dark River that I was looking for.  To the best of my knowledge this has two versions, the US letter original from 1988 and a digest sized version from 2015ish.  I believe that the latter may have been an unauthorized knock off of the original but any info on that (and/or a confirmation of the date) would be great.  I have both so I'm not currently looking for either but wouldn't be uninterested to see an original for sale.

if that helps
