> So, a 400-ton Subsidized Merchant with Kunal Dins as pilot.  Pilot 2
> and DEX 9 (+1).  The piloting tasks of Traveller Companion don't say
> you can add dexterity but it seems like you should be allowed.
That made no sense to me, either.  Since I forced Rosa to apply her
negative DEX mod to those piloting skills, I'd get pulled up if I didn't
let Curly apply his positive DEX mod to those piloting rolls.

Do not all Piloting rolls in MgT2 allow Dex?

> So in 82 minutes, or let's call it an hour and a half if we assume
> that the 'passes' are all discreet things rather than just one long
> continuous run - not quite sure why, they're refuelled and can head
> back out.
I think they all blend together, but you seem to have not taken into
account the relative skim rate - in the Extreme Shallows, it takes 10x
as long as it would in the Deeps (2d6 min), so the _March Harrier_ would
be settling in for a 14-15 hour marathon.  Cue Parrot Sketch...

That's fairly consistent with prior versions of fuel skimming. 6-12-18-24 hours are all not unheard of. 
> Although this does raise the question, which I can't find an answer to
> in the book is how you repair hull damage.  Is it only at a starport? 
> How long does it take to get back to 160?  What does it cost?

p150 of the MGT2 Core - it would appear not.

"Properly repairing a critical hit requires not only an Engineer or
Mechanic check (1D hours) but also spare parts."

Destroyed kit will need to be completely replaced.  _Fun_ when the Jump
drive decides to up and let go, followed shortly by your engineer's
bowel contents.

Every 10 points takes a ton of cargo. And that's assuming you only have hull damage ... if you add crits, your spares required from any 10% battering start to look expensive. And really bad rolls on a long skim run could mean a LOT of damage. 

The Subbie already has sh*te for economic efficiency.... add this kind of system for skimming and you'll likely blow your marginal economy right into 'how in the deity's (or deitys') name(s) will we pay for this?'. 

As for hull damage:

"Each lost Hull point can be replaced with a Routine (6+) Mechanic check
(1 hour, INT or EDU), consuming one ton of spare parts for every 10 Hull
points repaired"

Rough rides (if you need to repair enroute) would thus require a large logistical spares collection. That would eat many tons in your hold of a small ship.
I think mainly the adjustment for relative skim rates - 10x as long in
Extreme Shallows, 2x as long in the Shallows.

How much refining kit does the _Harrier_ mount?  Per HG p37, 1 ton of
refining kit can refine 20 tons of unrefined fuel into refined fuel per
day (a far cry from GT's comparatively rapid rate of 192 dton fuel
refined per refiner-day).

Well, you can get a lot faster if you build enough scoops. I just built a 300 ton MT fast transport to refine the full load of fuel in 24 hours and that purifier took up 11.5 tons or so (so that's about 230 tons by MgT efficiency levels which are better than MTs!).

So, taking a day to purify in that version ate 11.5 tons of space on a 300 dTon chassis. Total Fuel was something around 113 tons. 
Assuming a J2 _Harrier_, that's 4 refiner-days of effort needed (80
tons, refined at the above rate).

Needs more purifier allotment then.