Part of the fleshing out of a planet is breaking down populatio into primary, secondary and tertiary cities (plus smaller less important ones). The smallest of them are just a count but the primary ones probably get names ;) 

Anyway, they said you could have up to 10 and the place is kind of contentious so I identified 9 primaries (6 between 10 and 70 million, 3 around 9 million). 

The UWP says Port A. Well, turns out you roll 2D for less than the planet's pop digit for each other primary city to have a class A port (if not they get a class B). So with a pop of 8, I ended up with 8 Port As and 1 Port B. 

I also ended up with 48 Port Fs and 143 Port Gs in the smaller centers. 

Then they talked about orbital habitats... and you went through a process (partly of my own creation because the how to reach the goals here was missing) whereby some fairly significant orbital habs (cities) were created from the ground cities to be a high port for the individual class A and class B ports. 

I just moved the Capital of 70,000,000 directly into orbit and there is no downport. It also underscores the Syndicate's eminence and the power demonstrated by having such a big city. Then I go check what I'm supposed to allocate and I have to allocate another 8 cities of a few hundred thousand to be smaller orbitals for the downports (A and B). 

Then... after they had me figure all that out, they THEN decide to say max pop in orbit is UWP-6 or some such ... and WHAT!??!! WTF!??? BBQ! WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS UNHOLY DID THAT COME AFTER ALL THOSE CALCULATIONS NOT BEFORE? <jumping up and down on the editor of this product...> 

I chose to just say "I never saw that." Besides, it invalidates almost everything you said about fairly large cities being orbitals for big ports... because UWP-6 means only very few people will get to space...

Anyway, I did find a good name for the capital if my conjugation isn't terrible (Noctis Stellas - Stars of the night). 

The interesting part here is that this model clearly assumes that there isn't just ONE Starport and there are metric pantloads of spaceports. This simple generation created 8 A starports, a B port, and about 200 spaceports. Now that's an 8 pop tech 12 planet. 

Even my 'big trade' thoughts find the notion of that many large ports quite interesting. One way I'd thought to think of it was that the A Starport really is spread across all these larger cities and the shipbuilding is distributed too. 

That's just a very different look than we have when you look at CT's 'one port, one extrality zone' attitude. 

(This has been called out by Phil and/or Rupert beforehand... maybe others). 

This is one case where the person who wrote this did have a reasonable notion (from a human geography and trade perspective, it makes sense) but it really does feel different to CT's view in a profound way. 

Humorously, one of the major local customs generated was "Political Figures have Extravagant Residences." which I suspect any crew of players seeing this called out in the guidebook saying 'No **** Sherlock....". 

I did like a lot of the physical and temperature and gravity stuff, but the social stuff needed a bit more work and the layout of cities assumes you build from stats and die rolls then try to make a geography make sense, whereas sometimes now we generate a world map and then that should really suggest where and how big and how distributed the cities would be. 

Anyway, I got through the main world faster than I thought. I would like this automated. I may end up doing that for the sections I like and I'll write my own parts for what's missing.  Maybe one day. 


“The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.” ― Aristotle