Pretty slick!

I can see a market for the older Copley's though. 
Change the grapple around and you could carry a dozen cutters... or 6 cutters and a bunch of cargo pods.
Jump in, make deliveries to all the planets in the system, jump out.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 2:57 PM <> wrote:

Well I got to thinking about deployments and schedules and maintenance etc. So this is the evolution of the TL9 Jump Shuttle (next is the TL10 SDB and then SBDs as battle riders as per TNE but originating from the maintenance perspective (as per my thinking about deployments)). Anyway.


Comments welcome.


Nicholson Class System Defence Boat Jump Shuttle

Designed by Ewan Quibell 2020-10-23

Updated 2020-10-28



Nicholson Class, System Defence Boat Jump Shuttle, Type QY, TL10,

Cr 192,392,561


360/900, Disp=400, Config=7USL, Armour=46E,

Unloaded= 3703.568 tons, Loaded= 3815.509 tons


9/17, Fusion=750Mw, Duration=30/90

3/6, Loco=153.7Mw, Duration=30/90


3/6, Fusion Rocket=7685 tons thrust, Max Accel=2 G,

18/36, Jump=1,

NOE=40 kph, Cruse=750 kph, Top=1000 kph, Agility=0


Radio=System x3, Laser=System x3, Maser=System x3


Active EMS=FarOrbit x3, Passive EMS=Interstellar x3, Passive Audio x2, Radiation Sensor=V Distant x2, Magnetic Sensor=V Distant x2, Headlight x10, Environmental Sensor x2

ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PasEngScan=Rout


  Missile=x03    BeamLaser=xx3

     Batt   1       Batt     1

     Bear   1       Bear     1




      Batt     1

      Bear     1


Computer=4/fib x3, Special=HeadsUp display x7, Panel=Dynamic Link x178, Electronic Circuit Protection, Environ=basic env, basic ls, extend ls, grav plates, inertial compensators


Crew=13 (Bridge=2, Engineering=1, Gunners=2, Flight=1, Frozen Watch=5, Command=1, Medical=1), Stateroom=8, Low Berths=5

Sickbay, Gym, Airlock x2

SubCraft=600 ton starship grapple, 50 ton Pawel Class Modular Cutter with fuel pod.

Missile Magazine=18 kliters (30 battery-rounds)

Sand Magazine=3 kliters (10 battery-rounds)


Cargo=83.109 kliters, Fuel=3111.87 kliters, Fuel Purification Plant (purifies tankage in 12hrs), ObjSize=Average, EmLevel=Faint


Triple Missile Turret x2

Triple Beam Laser Turret

Triple Sand Turret

Battery Round=6 Missiles

Battery Round=3 Sand

Construction Time=64 weeks single, 52 weeks multiple

Cost in Quantity=Cr153,882,049


The Nicholson class System Defence Jump Shuttle is a county design using the latest in shipbuilding techniques as a replacement to the Copley class. Designed to move the Cane class SDB to where they need to be deployed the County Navy learnt lessons from the continued and non-stop movement of SDBs for maintenance and repair and these were incorporated into the Nicholson.

The main development was the ability for the Nicholson to re-fuel itself my means of the Pawel Class Modular cutter and a fuel module. It takes 10 fuel runs to replenish the Nicholson’s tanks. The other lessons were around the fact that the arrival of a Jump Shuttle usually heralded requests for assistance from the long duration SDB patrols including medial assistance, the need for replacement crew and the occasional re-supply of armament. With patrols of SBDs being usually two or four vessels the Jump Shuttle would only be replacing one of the SDBs, sometimes without a replacement crew accidents happen or crew health declines, so the Navy instigated a Medic in the crew of the Nicholson along with 5 frozen watch members to act as replacement crew as needed. Patients could then be treated in the sickbay as needed, and members of the SDB patrols can access the Nicholson’s Gym for the time the Jump shuttle is on station.     

The Nicholson is luxurious compared to other county ships. Each crew members gets their own full size stateroom, although if there is a need to carry passengers double bucking is provided for the artificial gravity and inertial compensation mean that a normal 1G environment can be maintained for optimum crew health without degrading from a microgravity environment.

                When the Nicholson is on it’s on it achieves the stats listed above, and has fuel for 2x jump 1s, however it’s expected function is to move Cane’s where they need to be. When the Jump Shuttle is docked with a Cane the combined 1000 tons of vessel can achieve 0.4 G and Jump 1, and while the ships are not expected to fight while docked, it is possible to do so, and all crews drill to do so. While the ships are docked they are connected allowing the crews to mingle while in jump which can be a relief for a Cane crew that has been on a long deployment allowing them access to the 1G environment of the Nicholson.



The Pawel is here:


Best regards,




For the fallen in the cause of the free:

"When I go home I will tell of them and say,

For our tomorrow, They gave their today."

 My spelling is entirerly due to dyslexia, typos, and poetic license


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