Mr Zeitlin (!) wrote:
I was having this discussion with Mr Collinson, once, and told him that

tc is fine with me.

Or Timothy.

there was a rule of thumb: "Your first million words are most likely
unpublishable." But you need to get past those first million, so just try.

As it happens, I'm closing in on that million... although it depends what you count.  I'm limiting myself to Traveller as I don't count (I mean literally don't count, rather than am discounting it) other writing.  But even in Traveller - should I count my bibliography work?  Should I count TML posts?  (I don't.)

But in any case, I would support Jeff's thesis: "just try".  I'm constantly surprised, looking back, at the body or work I've produced over time as things 'stack up'.  Occasionally I even reread something I wrote ages back and haven't revisited for a while and think "did I write this?  it's better than I recall..."

Speaking of which, I really must do the write-up of our last TTA session.  I had hoped to do it today but have been relatively poorly with a cold - or post-Covid systems.  Who knows?  But I've not forgotten just in case anyone is actually waiting for it.
