On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 at 23:42, Jeff Zeitlin <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 23:29:12 +0000, Timothy Collinson
<xxxxxx@port.ac.uk> wrote:


At one point, the 13Mann Verlag edition was on DTRPG (definitely; it's in
my DTRPG Windows app); will this be an "updated product", or a new product
that happens to have the same name (and most of the same content)?

Hmmm, good question.

Yes, it was free both at the 13Mann site and on DriveThru so there may well be lots who have the first edition.  Last I heard from Rouwen - a long long time back - I believe I recall him saying that it had been one of their most downloaded things and he'd been a bit surprised at just how much.  I don't have any formal reports or anything - nor royalties of course as it was free!

However, I had/have no connection with the previous publication (save for writing it) and, it was no longer being able to see it on DriveThru (when I finally thought to look a few months back) that prompted me to get in touch with Marc and Mongoose about redoing it.  I still aim to write the third adventure to go with it and See How They Run, but it's a bit down the schedule. [1]

So this isn't an 'updated' product in the sense that DriveThru means it.  It is, as you suggest, a new product that has mostly the same content.  Hence the 'redux' in the subject line.  I'd like to think I've done enough to make it worth buying (given that it was completely free the first time round) but YMMV.  I'd quite understand if you didn't feel you wanted to buy it; perhaps it only panders to completists and those who really can't face translating MgT1 to MgT2 for something of mine that is hardly *packed* with rules based material.  I rather expect it to be my poorest adventure for sales.


[1] I also need it's 'idea' - although I have some thoughts about some bits that it should contain.  I'm tentatively thinking it will be called Did You Ever See Such a Thing?  (OR Did you Ever See, OR Did you ever see such a thing in your life).    [Vote now!]  The idea, so far, is that the Zhodani crew from SHTR and the 'blind' lot (and crew?) from TBM will be asked by the Marchwarden - possibly along with a 'red shirt' Sword Worlds crew - to do something that only the three crews/ships working in concert can do (ish), and is connected with stopping/delaying/reducing impact of the Fifth  Frontier War or something similar.  If not quite saving the universe.  But as you can see, it's presently rather vague.

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