Wednesday February 6th 2013. I remember the day very well. That night I sat in my kitchen and wrote an email. It was to the editors who had published my writing. My writing has always been incredibly important to me.

It asked a very simple request, to charge the name of the author on work from my dead name to a female name. I was terrified, I thought I'd be seen as a freak and pervert. I don't know how long my finger hovered over the send button. It seemed forever, certainly longer than ten minutes. Of course, my fears were totally unfounded, I was met with nothing but support and acceptance. I still have the replies and treasure them. 

At the time I thought I could live two lives, online as a woman, in real life as a man. I was so wrong, once I started there was no turning back. Three months later I came out publicly everywhere and have never looked back. I must say the support I received in those three months was amazing and made my transition possible.

So there I was that night, finger hovering, terrified. At 9:36pm I flexed my finger and the email was sent and my life change. The time right now is 9:36pm as well. All of those people who replied were and (with the tragic exception of Loren) still are vitally involved in Traveller. So thanks guys.