
You didn't answer what a special forces brigade does. I didn't ask about a TL-16 SF br., but any SOF br.

Had you ever considered why high value targets that can be defeated by small-unit tactics require a brigade organisation which usually encompases four battalions?

You mentioned tactics and training, but why would you need them if you have the "sizeable TL advantage"?

The technological correlation between the US and allied forces in Iraq and their opponents was roughly that of widely TL-differentiated forces. There was no shortage of SOF available to the US/Allied command. So what happened?
No sooner did the US/Allied forces left when ISIaS emerged and is now being 'destroyed and degraded' for over two years by superior TL forces.

I can equally point to the US Vietnam and Soviet Afghanistan wars, though Soviets did somewhat better in Afghanistan.


On 21 June 2015 at 01:46, Bruce Johnson <> wrote:

On Jun 19, 2015, at 9:48 PM, Greg Chalik <> wrote:

Bruce, what do you think a special forces brigade does?

Operate outside of the main line TO, utilizing small unit tactics, taking on small unit-sized targets of high value require higher training (and in this instance) a sizable TL advantage compared to the main forces. Mixed in with the main forces the TL-16 units present logistical and supply issues of mixed TL support.

Pretty much how certain US special forces (Delta, Seals) operate. They even have their own command structure, JSOC. 

Thus would allow the commander of the Imperial forces to leverage a small number of TL16 troops to the greatest advantage versus simply employing them in the main line of battle.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

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