Well, that is somewhat embarrassing, since I do live in Germany, but I had never seen that particular Perry Rhodan race. I never got into PR because of the intimidating amount of material (seriously, where do you start, even with the "Neo" relaunch?). In any case, David is right: those are quite Vargr-like. The race is called "Wlatschiden", see http://www.perrypedia.proc.org/wiki/Wlatschiden (sorry, only in German). Judging from the description (1.90 to 2.20 m), they are sort or Urzaeng Vargr... but there is a subspecies called "Vlatschis" who are described as smaller.

Carlos Alós-Ferrer
Chair of Microeconomics, University of Cologne

Am 12-Sep-2015 12:44:22 +0200 schrieb xxxxxx@pcug.org.au:

Dear Folks –

I’m a drongo. Or gettin’ old. I had a link to the damn Perry Rhodan wolves all along, under “Destinations Of Interest to the Traveller”.

 …OK, so link rot has set in, and it doesn’t work. At least I know what to Google for, now.


 Got it! Try this:




David "Hyphen" Jaques-Watson ..at.. Beowulf Down (Tavonni/Vilis/SM 1520)
http://www.tip.net.au/~davidjw                    xxxxxx@pcug.org.au
"I file things in historical order, with a hashing algorithm of gravity"


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