Greg asked:
>How does one install a secret base, and not install system
>and orbital security measures?
Well, to start with, by not putting things in orbit that would advertise your presence on the ground....
Everything costs credits.  If your plan is "security through obscurity" then keeping a low profile includes not putting things in orbit.
You might presumably spend money on some sort of simple ground based passibe detection system, but if it's portable, it's going to be somewhat limited by operating through the atmosphere.
(If there *was* a moon, you might install a detector station on the moon, that squirted reports to the ground station by laser or other secure comms, but then you're limited to when they are both in line of sight.  Not ideal, but it might provide some limited top cover.)
If you have one small ground based station, on an otherwise uninhabited planet, your big concerns are going to be minimizing your IR signature and minimizing your light output at night, because those will be obvious tells.
A little bit of cammo netting won't hurt, either, if you're trying to defeat optical sensors.
It's also going to depend on the purpose of the base and how complex the base is.  If it's a dozen insulated freight containers with fusion power units, you can spray insulation on the outside to reduce the IR signature and break up the shape a little, then cammo paint them to match the background.
 "Any sufficiently advanced parody is indistinguishable from a genuine kook." -Alan Morgan