On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Tim <xxxxxx@little-possums.net> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 11:59:23PM -0800, Jim Vassilakos wrote:
> For example, if a noble gets to keep 1% of the money he taxes as
> personal wealth, that's potentially a lot of personal wealth.

I think it's reasonable that the ranking Imperial noble of a decently
populated world should be fabulously wealthy by ordinary standards. It
fits my view of the Imperium pretty well, at least. They may also have
wealth from other sources, and most likely do.

That is a lot of IMPCR, but there are also significant exenses. 
Household expenses (mulitple residences, and offices) (and all the people on staff)
Profesional staff (and offices)
Commercial ships and crews.
Military ships and crews.   
(and possibly things like customs and revenue ships and crews...) 

Millitary units to equip and staff.
Professional charities and universities to endow (and staff and manage)


"Any sufficiently advanced parody is indistinguishable from a genuine kook." -Alan Morgan