On Dec 29, 2015 9:01 AM, "Jeff Zeitlin" <> wrote:
So, I've spent the past couple of days going throughn the archives at
JTAS, and copying articles BY HAND like a busy bee, to hopefully
preserve my investment.

There's a serious problem.

The archives by article type don't seem to be complete.

I got suspicious of this, and picked a few issues, checked for the
articles in the by-article-type archives, and found... many of the
articles were missing. Including checking some articles from a year or
two ago.

The by-type archives seem to run a search on the article database by
"articletype". Obviously, the database hasn't been maintained and/or
updated properly.

(What's more, today's issue is "there" but has NO articles.)

Does anyone have any ideas on how to quickly pull a copy of the
COMPLETE archives, before it goes down forever?

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