On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 7:13 PM, Bruce Johnson <xxxxxx@pharmacy.arizona.edu> wrote:

> On Jan 3, 2016, at 5:05 PM, Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Greg Chalik <mrg3105@gmail.com> wrote:
> . . . but in Tijuana, where 'annual maintenance' and its inspection can be concluded in 30 minutes, if the price is right.
> I'm sure there are OTU equivalents. :-)
> And every year, a few borderline-solvent OTU trading companies fall for the temptation . . . then slide over that borderline into bankruptcy, the next time an honest Imperial Starport Authority official notes where they supposedly had their most recent annual maintenance done and instantly impounds their vessel for a full [foredoomed to fail] inspection . . .

Or they’re one of the ships that go into J-Space and never come back out…


DAMN! Trying to type too fast and somehow the key-combo I hit sent out my reply before I had typed anything!

Anyway . . .

It occurred to me that the safety impoundment above would make for a dandy way to start a new campaign: a bunch of just-mustered-out PCs overhear a despondent and very drunk merchant captain moaning about the unfairness of the universe, how "a little mix-up in my ship's papers" has resulted in his ship being impounded by the local authorities, followed by his "faithless crew all deserting me one by one for berths on outgoing ships." Bribing him with even more alcohol, the PCs soon learn that he is drowning in so much red ink that it is unlikely he will ever manage to redeem his ship from impound LEGALLY . . . but is quite willing to go in with on shares, if they help him STEAL it back.

Then - of course - the NPC conveniently dies . . . leaving the PCs in full possession of a free [stolen] vessel . . .  which turns out to have been impounded for several good and sufficient maintenance-related reasons.


Richard Aiken

"Never insult anyone by accident."  Robert A. Heinlein
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." - Bill Cosby
"We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." Dean Winchester