Morning PDT Timothy,

No thanks are necessary and most of the magazines I've purchased
in a hodge-podge fashion usually have articles for either Traveller,
Battle-Tech, Star Trek, or some other game I have or something that
might fit in one or more of the games I have.

I am bouncing between Catalyst BattleTech, MgT, and T20. I wanted
to check material from the BattleTechnology periodicals and when
checking through the box I stumbled across the six Dragons of which
five were related to Traveller. Checking the two bibliographies I have
there did not appear to be any material from the Dragon.

Thank you for the update about the Traveller Bibliography, the
working being done on the Periodical Bibliography, and draft of
the Dragon material.

Finally, thank you for your work on the bibliographies, they have
really helped my research efforts.

Tom R

From: "Timothy Collinson" <>
To: "TML" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2016 5:53:49 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Traveller, in thoery, material in the Dragon

Hi there Tom,

On 16 April 2016 at 07:03, <> wrote:
Hello Timothy Collison,

While I was looking through a box that had nineteen
BattleTechnoloy magazines I stumbled across five
Dragon magazines that I tagged because they have
articles that have that are in theory written for use in

Firstly can I say a huge thank you for doing this.  I really appreciate the effort that this takes and sometimes I suspect I'm the only one actually interested!  So I'm always glad of any help folk are willing to offer. 

You mentioned that BITS will be releasing an updated
version of The Traveller Bibliography

Yes, I'm hoping that now Andy is through the stress of organizing TravCon and getting _In Search of Angels_ ready for it that this might be on the cards now.  I don't have a timeframe though.  It's more than a month since TravCon so perhaps now would be a good moment to ask.
and the Periodical

Well this will be much further off, but yes, I hope if I ever get there that BITS would also put that out.

As it happens, over the weeks since TravCon, I've actually been getting on with it a bit as I've not had the book bibliography filling time.  I've been ploughing through Freelance Traveller although if I tell you I'm only up to issue 5 you'll see how slow the work goes!  Although I've done one or two Stellar Reaches as well for comparison to see how they fit in.  My!  That's an astounding body of work from just one person - I'm seriously impressed every time I get them off the shelf.

I am wondering if your updated version
included the articles.

Dragon 55 Vol. VI No. 5 November 1981
Filling in Skills Experience, service-switching make
Traveller more ability-oriented by Jon Mattson. pp. 52-54

Dragon 58 Vol. VI No. 8 February 1982
Anything but human by Jon Mattson pp 65-67
The article details generating alien races derived
from based on everything from  mollusks/amoeboid to
exoctic forms like crystals.

Dragon 59 Vol VI No. 9 March 1982 has two articles
1. Skitteringbugging by Gene O'Neill pp. 26-32. The
article is about an exploration crew studying a
new world that unknown to then has the last colony
of wasp like beings. On p. 32 the author has
generated the character sheets for the crew, which
includes a robot.

2. Exonidas Spaceport by Jeff Swycaffer pp. 33-48
This is an adventure is set in the Taledde star system.

Dragon 70 Vol VII February 1983 has an article
for adapting Dwarfs into Traveller. Dwarves in Space
by Roger Moore pp. 27-29

Dragon 73 Vol VII No. 11 May 1983
Relief for Traveller Nobility by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh
pp. 26-28.

As it happens I do have those, but I'm always happy to have confirmation that I've not missed something, so again, thank you for spotting them in the first place and sending the note through. 

If you (or anyone) are interested, I've attached a very rough and ready first draft of the Dragon material.  It's not formatted or anything and not in its 'subject' order, but I hope its of use and you'll see it follows the style of the first volume.  If anyone has comments or criticisms or corrections, I would of course be more than happy to have them.

The entry I'm most dubious about is Hexes and High Guard (Dragon 104) where I detail the contents as "Rules for spreading High Guard combat out across local space."  As I've not really played High Guard combat in detail and not tried this variant, I'm not very sure what its endeavouring to do.

Hope this helps and many thanks


The Strategy of Survival
Edward C. Cooper.  The Dragon 18 III(4), September 1978, pp.3-4 & 9.
3 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Notes on taking advantage of the character generation process.

Dave Minch.  The Dragon 18 III(4), September 1978, p.7.
1 page, large format.
• Review of the Imperium game.

Tony Watson.  The Dragon 18 III(4), September 1978, pp.5-6.
2 pages, large format.  Tab.
• A detailed look at Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.

The Making of a Winner: Imperium – Outstanding Game of 1977
Marc Miller.  The Dragon 20 III(6), November 1978, pp.3-4.
2 pages, large format.
• Background to the game Imperium.

Rules Clarifications and Addenda for Imperium
Marc Miller.  The Dragon 20 III(6), November 1978, p.4.
1 page, large format.
• Notes on the map and the counters.

The Asimov Cluster
William B. Fawcett.  The Dragon 20 III(6), November 1978, pp.20-21 & 25.
3 pages, large format.  Tab.
• 10 worlds from Asimov’s Foundation trilogy presented in Traveller terms:
Terminus A665683-9, Anacreon B648933-6, Smyrno B774984-6, Loris B7629A4-5, Gamma Andromeda B773765-8, Askone C7656?6-5, Korellia D865835-5, Siwenna A865668-9, The Red Stars Av6v6A?-9 and Trantor E971500-6.
In the above UWPs, ? means not given and v means varies.

The Traveller Navy Wants to Join You: New Service Opportunities for Navy Characters
R. D. Stewart.  The Dragon 25 III(11), May 1979, pp.20-21.
2 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Rules for advanced Navy careers.
Following the publication of Mercenary and prior to that of High Guard it was obvious that the Navy career could use a similar expansion and this endeavoured to tackle the omission.

Tesseracts: A Traveller Artifact
Gary Jordan.  The Dragon 27 IV(1), July 1979, p.16.
1 page, large format.  Diag.
• Rules for creating and using hyperspace generated hypercube.

Traveller: Star System Generation
Gary Jordan.  The Dragon 27 IV(1), July 1979, p.18.
1 page, large format.  Tab.
• Basic extended system generation.
Prior to Scouts being published this provided a way of finding out what was in a system beyond the main world.

Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before: Expanding Imperium
Robert Camino.  The Dragon 27 IV(1), July 1979, pp.34-[38].
5 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Expansion of Imperium to allow exploration and use of uncharted worlds.

The Traveller Politician: Diplomacy and Intrigue in the Traveller Universe
Rick Stuart.  The Dragon 32 IV(6), December 1979, pp.24-25.
2 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Rules for introducing power and terms of office.

Traveller Variant 1: IBIS: Profit and Peril
Kenneth Burke.  The Dragon 35 IV(9), March 1980, p.7.
1 page, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Character generation for the Interstellar Bureau of Internal Security.

Traveller Variant 2: Useful Skills
Alexander von Thorn.  The Dragon 35 IV(9), March 1980, pp.8 & 41.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Suggestions for developing Admin skill with specialities for Secretary, Manager, Journalist, Market, Law and Accounting.
• Suggested new skills: Photography, Broker and Advertising.
• Equipment for Journalist characters.

Traveller Variant 3: The ‘Other’ Options
Charles Ahner & Rick Stuart.  The Dragon 35 IV(9), March 1980, p.9.
1 page, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Expansion of the Other career to include: Academia, Administration, The Arts, Finance and Politics.
• Suggested new skills: Architecture, Courtesan, Entertainment, Finance, Geology, Industry, Law, Literature, Painting, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Cuisine, Scholarship, Sculpture, Weaponry.

Traveller Variant 4: More Clout for Scouts
Anthony Previte & James Cavaliere.  The Dragon 35 IV(9), March 1980, pp.10 & 44-45.
3 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Advanced Scout career generation.

Traveller Variant 5: Black Holes!
James Hopkins.  The Dragon 35 IV(9), March 1980, p.11.
1 page, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Rules for introducing black holes to Known Space.

Canard: A Traveller adventure
Roberto Camino.  Dragon 43 V(5), November 1980, pp.[35]-46.
12 pages, large format.  Tab., diag., ill.
• Set at Windsor (Spinward Marches [-4,1] 1935 C783511-9) with the PCs headed for Canard (C630000-0) in the same system.
• Plans for an Ancient planetary core power tapping complex.

Make Your Own Aliens
Roger E. Moore.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, pp.7-8 & 80-83.
6 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Rules for generating aliens.
An expansion of Andy Slack’s Expanding Universe segment on alien creation with a wide range of tables.  Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Plotting a Course for Choosy Players, New Ideas for Old Ships, In Defense of Computers, Planet Parameters, Masers & Cameras and The Miller Milk Bottle.  See also Anything But Human.

Plotting a Course for Choosy Players
Jeff Swycaffer.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, pp.9-11.
3 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Point buy system for character generation.
Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Make Your Own Aliens, New Ideas for Old Ships, In Defense of Computers, Planet Parameters, Masers & Cameras and The Miller Milk Bottle. 

New Ideas for Old Ships
Paul Montgomery Crabaugh.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, pp.11-12.
2 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Tables for customizing second hand starships.
Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Make Your Own Aliens, Plotting a Course for Choosy Players, In Defense of Computers, Planet Parameters, Masers & Cameras and The Miller Milk Bottle.

In Defense of Computers
Paul Montgomery Crabaugh.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, pp.13-14.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Justification of the high cost and large size of computers in Traveller.
Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Make Your Own Aliens, Plotting a Course for Choosy Players, New Ideas for Old Ships, Planet Parameters, Masers & Cameras and The Miller Milk Bottle.

Planet Parameters
Paul Montgomery Crabaugh.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, p.15.
1 page, large format.  Tab.
• Gravity, Escape Velocity, Rotational period and orbit distances for all Traveller world sizes.
Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Make Your Own Aliens, Plotting a Course for Choosy Players, New Ideas for Old Ships, In Defense of Computers, Masers & Cameras and The Miller Milk Bottle.

Masers & Cameras
Paul Montgomery Crabaugh.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, pp.15-16.
2 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Description and rules for Masers, a TL7 Survey Module and an autocannon.
Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Make Your Own Aliens, Plotting a Course for Choosy Players, New Ideas for Old Ships, In Defense of Computers, Planetary Parameters and The Miller Milk Bottle.

The Miller Milk Bottle
Marc Miller.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, p.16.
1 page, large format. 
• Description of a TL3+ milk bottle.
Although somewhat tongue-in-cheek, this does demonstrate that pretty much anything can be modelled if required.  Part of a special Traveller section of the issue entitled The Future is Here also including the articles: Make Your Own Aliens, Plotting a Course for Choosy Players, New Ideas for Old Ships, In Defense of Computers, Planetary Parameters and Masers & Cameras.

Martian Metals 15mm Traveller Series
Bill Fawcett.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, p.60.
1 page, large format.  Ill.
• Review of Mercenaries and Patrons 15mm miniatures.
Not strictly a review so much as the briefest of descriptions.

FASA The I.S.C.V. King Richard
Bill Fawcett.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, p.61.
1 page, large format.  Ill.
• Brief review of I.S.C.V. King Richard deck plans.
The same issue of Dragon carried a longer review of I.S.P.M.V. Fenris and I.S.P.M.V. Tethys.

Fenris and Tethys: Starship Plans from FASA
Roberto Camino.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, p.79.
1 page, large format. 
• Review of “good candidates” for those who find new ships attractive in the deck plans of I.S.P.M.V. Fenris and I.S.P.M.V. Tethys.  The same issue of Dragon included a brief note on FASA’s I.S.C.V. King Richard.

Ley Sector Traveller Aid from Judges Guild
Tony Watson.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, p.79.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Review of a volume which “provides a ready made universe”.

Traders and Gunboats for Traveller
Tony Watson.  Dragon 51 VI(1), July 1981, pp.78-79.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Review of the “useful and interesting” Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats.

Merchants deserve more, too
Dennis Matheson.  Dragon 53 VI(3), September 1981, pp.60-61.
2 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Advanced merchant careers.
Following on from expansions of the Scout and Other careers along the lines of High Guard and Mercenary, this does similar for traders.

Filling in Skills
Jon Mattson.  Dragon 55 VI(5), November 1981, pp.52-54.
3 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Rules for adding experience, limiting skill levels and using Jack-of-all-Trades realistically.
• Multiple service table.

Anything But Human
Jon Mattson.  Dragon 58 VI(8), February 1982, pp.65-67.
3 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Rules for generating alien races.
Using percentile dice this allows the creation of aliens for PC or NPCs. Tables include basic type (from mollusc/amoeboid through reptiles and mammals to plants and exotics), basic shape, average size, characteristic modifiers and special abilities.

Exonidas Spaceport
Jeff Swycaffer.  Dragon 59 VI(9), March 1982, pp.33-48.
16 pages, large format.  Map, tab., diag., ill.
• System chart for Taledde and world map for Horltheur (A866A78-F).
• High Guard details, description and illustrations of a 1,000,000-ton Battleship, 75,000-ton Heavy Cruiser, 40,000-ton Fuel Tanker, 30,000-ton Hospital Ship, 20,000-ton Light Cruiser, 9000-ton Electromagnetic Effects/Communications Ship, 2000-ton Destroyer, 100-ton Scout and 25-ton Fighter.
• High Guard details, description and illustrations of Exonidas High and Down Port.
A detailed setting and lots of opportunities for adventure with world, port, ships and NPCs.  A few adventure possibilities are suggested.

Gene O’Neill.  Dragon 59 VI(9), March 1982, pp.26-31.
7 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Scout type characters explore a virgin world.
An SF story of Skitterbuggers (or exploration scouts) Finn M’Cormac, Gent Jackson, Mikela Lucchesi, Shigawara Kenjoand and their robot, All-American Boy, exploring the Cyranus system.  Not labelled as Traveller but an accompanying article in the same issue of Dragon, Translating Skitterbuggers into Traveller, brings it into the fold with character details, equipment and an alien hive entity.  The page count includes the cover of the issue with a colour Jim Holloway painting of the “climatic scene” from the story.

Translating skitterbuggers into Traveller
Steve Winter.  Dragon 59 VI(9), March 1982, p.32.
1 page, large format.  Ill.
• Details and illustrations of four Scout type characters: Finn M’Cormac 778978 Age26, Gent Jackson 978785 Age 30, Mikela Lucchesi 6789A8 Age 30 (level 7 telepath) & Shigawaro Kenjo 898787 Age 26.
• Details and description of a TL14 light work robot, CO2 backpack, CO2 bomb and healjell.
• Details and descriptions of mist wasps – a hive entity with telepathic powers.
Accompanying Skitterbugging, an SF story by Gene O’Neill in the same issue of Dragon, this presents Traveller details for those wishing to use the characters or the situation for further adventures.

Robots – Mechanical Sidekicks for Traveller Players
Jon Mattson.  Dragon 64 VII(2), August 1982, pp.46-52.
7 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Robot construction rules.
Presaging Book 8: Robots by four years, this covers very similar ground.

Dwarves in Space
Roger Moore.  Dragon 70 VII(8), February 1983, pp.27-29.
3 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Dwarf character generation rules; brief description of a possible homeworld X9666C7-2 [sic].
• Notes on taking (or not taking) features of D&D into Traveller – from magic and weapons to creatures and races.

Relief for Traveller Nobility
Paul Montgomery Crabaugh.  Dragon 73 VII(11), May 1983, pp.26-28.
2 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Additional rules for nobility dividing them into old and new; providing for estates and/or a vessel.
An early look at developing high social status characters beyond a title.  See also Robe and Blaster in White Dwarf and Scepter and Starship in Adventure Gaming.

Preventing Complacency in Traveller Gaming
Roger E. Moore.  Dragon 85 VIII(11), May 1984, pp.77-78.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Notes on avoiding ‘ho hum’ worlds in Traveller and creating something unique from the UWPs.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

Interstellar Athletes: A Traveller game variant career
Michael Brown.  Dragon 86 IX(1), June 1984, pp.80-82.
2 pages, large format.  Tab.,
• A career for athletes and descriptions of six games: Zero-Gee Ball, Slaughtersphere, Lightracquet, Gladiatorials, Magnaball and Hyperball.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

Luna: A Traveller’s Guide: The Moon in the Traveller Game
Marc W. Miller.  Dragon 87 IX(2), July 1984, pp.75-79.
5 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Detailed description of Luna with sections on population, transport, politics, history and military bases; Pulls and Pushes for the referee.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.  Also published as an unlicensed standalone booklet in 1993.

“Does Anyone Here Speak Aslan?”  Language Skills in Traveller gaming
Joseph Benedetto.  Dragon 91, November 1984, pp.71-73.
3 pages, large format.  Tab.,
• Rules for introducing language elements, learning languages and what skill levels mean.
The career language chart relates language acquisition to the various careers of Traveller including the Citizens of the Imperium careers.  This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

Antimissiles and roundshot: Variant ship-to-ship weapons for Traveller gaming
Jefferson P. Swycaffer.  Dragon 95, March 1985, p.76.
1 page, large format.
• Additional options for Traveller ship combat: minefields, tractor/pressor beam, solid-shot weapons, antimissile cluster and beam weapon superchargers.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

Rogues of the Galaxy: An expanded Traveller character class
Igor Greenwald.  Dragon 97, May 1985, pp.71-74.
4 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Expanded career generation for rogues; with prison resolution and special assignments.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

The Stellar Diocese: The Clergy in the Traveller Universe
Michael Brown.  Dragon 101, September 1985, pp.83-84.
2 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• A career for the clergy and nine futuristic religions: Brotherhood of the Sphere, Church of Divine Truth, Children Transcendant [sic], Followers of the Sun, The Three, The Vekkur, The Mediators and the Terran religions: Disciples of Terran Purity and Order of the Unicorn.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

A Thousand in One: Tips for expanding your interstellar campaign
Mark Graham Jones.  Dragon 102, October 1985, pp.74-76.
3 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Notes on making more of a setting, particularly balkanized worlds.
Not strictly Traveller, but this is very relevant and mentions Traveller several times.  This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

Active Duty: Continuing careers in Traveller gaming
Jefferson P. Swycaffer.  Dragon 102, October 1985, pp.80-81.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• How to have characters still be in service rather than mustered out.

This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.
Of Nobbles and Men: Adventuring on Tarsus in Traveller gaming
Paul Vernon.  Dragon 103, November 1985, pp.71-73.
3 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Supplement to the Tarsus: World Beyond the Frontier module with notes on ranching on Tarsus (B584620-A), five vehicles and six adventure seeds.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

Hexes and High Guard: Organizing space wars for Traveller gaming
Jefferson P. Swycaffer.  Dragon 104, December 1985, pp.74-75.
2 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Rules for spreading High Guard combat out across local space.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

High Tech and Beyond: Technological Improvement in Traveller gaming
James Collins.  Dragon 108, April 1986, pp.78-80.
3 pages, large format.  Tab.
• Rules for developing equipment by tech level (and reducing its mass and/or cost) with particular notes on disintegrators, globe crackers, matter transports, AI, power Jumps and anti-matter.
This appeared in the Ares section of Dragon for science fiction.

The Double-Helix Connection: Mutants in Traveller gaming
Michael Brown.  Dragon 109, May 1986, pp.82-85.
5 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• Rules for introducing mutations to Traveller.
The page count includes the full page illustration for the ‘cover’ of the Ares science fiction section of Dragon in which this appears.  

Star Cops!
Terrance R. McInnes.  Dragon 113, September 1986, pp.89-92.
4 pages, large format.  Tab.
• A police career from academy to special assignments with four branches: Patrol/Traffic, Investigative, Constabulary and Admin.

Aim and Burn: Flamethrowers in Traveller gaming
William A. Barton.  Dragon 116 XI(7), December 1986, pp.90-92.
3 pages, large format.  Ill.
• Rules for flamethrowers ideally suitable for mid- to low-tech worlds.

Space-Age Espionage: A new career for Traveller game characters
John Dunkelberg.  Dragon 120 XI(11), April 1987, pp.64-67.
4 pages, large format.  Tab., ill.
• A career for spies in two departments (Control and Intelligence) with 10 new skills: Lock-picking, Stealth, Concealment, Disguise, Demolitions, Pyrotechnics, Surveillance, Interrogation, Double-talk and Poison.

New Frontiers: The Traveller Universe for the Alternity Game
Stephen Kenson.  Dragon 270, April 2000, pp.96-104.
9 pages, large format.  Tab., ill., bib.
• Discussion of and rules for moving Traveller into the Alternity setting.
• New equipment: Neural Activity Sensor and Psionic Shield.
• New psionic skills: Teleportation and Apport
• Notes on the six major races: Humaniti, Aslan, Droyne, Hivers, K’kree and Vargr.
• Notes on using Traveller material in a Star*Drive campaign.
The bibliography briefly mentions GURPS Traveller material that might be of use and some web resources.

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