Hello Jeff Zeitlin,

I am a bit confused with a bit of the overview for the
overview of for the Adventure Solicitation: Jabru.

"When I called the mayor of the nearest town to see if

he could tell me anything more, he took one look at my 'guest' and

literally spat the word "Jabru", said if he were seen anywhere off the

port, he'd be killed, and walked away. He won't take my calls now; his

assistant says he won't talk to me until "Jabru" - or maybe "the

Jabru" - is gone."

My initial thought was the port manager and the local
mayor spoke over a comm-link that had audio and video
capabilities. Then the bit where the mayor "walked away"
seems to indicate that the mayor physically came to
the port managers office. Followed by the mayor's
assistant running interference for the the mayor.

Did the port manager call the local mayor who came to
the manager's office?

Tom R