Interstar Holdings (no connection with the *reputable* firm of Interstellar Holdings)
Impernium Manufacturing (especially in a TU where one needs official approval to call oneself "Imperial/Imperium" anything . . . where they are under court order to capitalize that important "n" but keep delaying . . .)
Cornucopia of Freshness (a bulk foods firm indicted in several cases of food poisoning)
Cloning Science Solutions PLC (called "Cesspool" by the MoJ, which suspects them of creating "behaviorally and biologically enhanced" sex slaves)
Blackpool Security (a mercenary outfit being investigated for numerous war crimes, particularly againest eeeVargr)
Epsom Investments (a little-known firm with surprisingly extensive holdings that worries the MoJ just on general principles)
Treewolf, Rollerram and Vruskox, Attorneys At Law (on the MoJ's watchlist because of the consistently shady nature of their clients)

On Jul 31, 2016 11:54 AM, "Alex Goodwin" <> wrote:

On 01/08/16 00:57, Peter L. Berghold wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm reaching out since I'm having severe creativity block I've picked up
> my writing again after putting it down for a long time and re-writing a
> story I started a while back.
> Part of the backdrop to the story consists of three major
> mega-corporations that are governed by rich and corrupt board members
> (hmm... doesn't resemble reality does it?) and I am at a loss to come up
> with names without plagiarizing.  For odd reasons SternMetal and other
> TU names keep rattling around in my head.
> Any thoughts?  You *will* be given credit if and when I publish the
> story. :-)
Well, what few I could come up with - a fair bit lampshadey:

Bleedum, Grabbit and Zodoff  (whether as principals or legal advisors,
you can figure out)
Inventive Inventories  (knocked off from real life - related to the UK
Brinks-Mat gold theft)
Tanglefoot Factoring
Dodgie AG  (still controlled by the Dodgie fa.... how DARE you imply
that they are (worried about leaving evidence around that contradicts
party line of being) anything but fine, upstanding sophonts!)
WOFTAM  (long since backronymed to Waste Of Flippin' Time And Money by
the MoJ)
Uplink Music
Trans-Rift Holdings
Old Dog Interstellar
Rudolfine  (knocked off from real life - probably have got name wrong,
but IIRC received a 9 figure transfer from East Berlin in early morning
of 10 November 1989)
Terra Pharmaceuticals
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