Tuesday, 02 August 2016, 07:24am +01:00 from Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com>:

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:14 AM, Abu Dhabi <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
>I *assume* that when they trade on planets equipped with internets, they at least get around the spaceport to load the stuff up. Other than that, no explicit leaving the ship.
If they only have "face time" with NPCs via electronics, then they aren't really being human. There is a REASON that ship crews have a RL reputation as hell-raisers. When you spend weeks trapped aboard a ship seeing the same faces day in and day out, you REALLY want to see OTHER faces when you hit port. If your PCs never get away from each other like that, then they are - quite literally and with complete technical accuracy - INSANE.

Ah, sorry, I see I've been beaten to it while typing out my screed slowly on a tablet screen...

