No problems whatsoever, yeah there probably a lot of good information here. The subject may not be for the faint hearted, but you're going to run into hookers in any starport, just like in any port. Starports, beyond the extraterritorial limit, almost certainly will be a place where sex work is decriminalizatised.

Probably very good to post it back here, any kind of formal publication would run afoul of Marc's family friendly filter (I totally agree with and support the FFF by the way, I know the reasoning behind it and Marc is right)

On 12 Oct 2017 4:58 pm, "Timothy Collinson" <> wrote:

On 12 October 2017 at 04:08, Kurt Feltenberger <> wrote:

In and of itself, these four would make an interesting PC party.

Yep.  Working on that.  ;-)

In fact I'm awake at 4 in the morning because this whole thread has got me thinking:
- need to develop something for my PCs by Monday
- probably could develop a short adventure using these characters
- the whole thread should probably be knocked into one document for future reference  (I could post it back to the list if Andrea is happy with that)
- just what has Traveller said on the subject before.

Right, I really must go back to bed.  I'm supposed to be lecturing tomorrow... <sigh> and it will be a late night as it's Book Group - the inbetween month of my The Traveller Adventure group.  We're discussing Life After Life by Kate Atkinson which might interest some here as its main character lives multiple lives and (only towards the end do we read) is vaguely aware of the different courses her life takes.  To me it was a bit disappointing because the 'interesting' SFish bits only came in the last few pages and it mainly read like an author who couldn't decide which way to take her novel/character.  (Does have in interesting segment on Hitler/Eva Braun and life on the mountain retreat Hitler had).


For those who are interested in the last bullet point above, I've so far found:

Ahner, Charles & Stuart, Rick (1980).  Traveller Variant 3: The ‘Other’ Options.  The Dragon, 35 IV(9), March 1980, p.9.  Expands the ‘Other’ option of classic Traveller into Academia, Administration, The Arts, Finance & Politics and adds the new skill Courtesan.

McInnes, Terrance (1984).  Make Love, Not War.  Different Worlds, 32, February 1984, pp.24-26.    Brief notes (in a larger article on sex and romance in Traveller) on the “oldest profession” and prices.

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