Oooh, two nice ideas from Kurt and David.  Thank you.  I'm now thinking about combining *both* with what I have so far!  The mafioso I was half thinking about being behind the scenes anyway (and have a nifty idea for a Don's HQ in a bit of (apparently abandoned) orbital structure a bit off the main station.

And the environmental angle fits really neatly with the main denouement of the adventure (if we ever get there!).  

On 16 Oct 2017 18:35, "Kurt Feltenberger" <> wrote:

This sounds like an amazing, low key, character-centric game.  Well done!

Thank you.  The players certainly seem to enjoy it.  And come back for more which is the main thing.

Although I do have a fear (which should perhaps be a Confession in freelance Traveller) that I'm cornering the market in "low-key, charactercentric" and not actually writing SF at all.  Certainly not big concept, galaxy spanning, derring-do.

But slice of life, down-to-planet, everyday - I'm your man. :-)

