On 23 November 2017 at 07:53, David Jaques-Watson <xxxxxx@pcug.org.au> wrote:
Dear Folks –

Timothy said:
> (Aside: Am I missing something or is there really no movement rules in
> MgT2 or even classic Traveller's core rules for movement speeds across
> of any kind?!)

I think that for CT it's in each vehicle description:

Ah... but the PCs are on foot... (yes, I'd forgotten the vehicle stats, so thanks for that reminder)

Is that enough, or should I break out MT or Striker?  ;-)  ;-)

Well, I was pretty sure there was other stuff elsewhere, which is why I was focussing on the corebooks.  It does seem an omission.  Movement for short distances in combat, but no further.  Seems an odd lacuna for "Traveller". 

What I did recall is that of course individual adventures usually include something but it's very terrain/environment/adventure specific - for example in Across the Brightface.  Not much use for earthlike, on foot travel!


<snip MT rules>

Thanks for those.  Yes, that's probably what I was half remembering and looking for in Mongoose and Classic.  I was sure I'd seen something somewhere.  Sometimes there are disadvantages to two Ikea shelves full of pretty dense paper and words!  And it was getting too late last night to break out the PDF file searching...

As I say, there *are*  movement rates given on the map, but unless you've got the classic TTA or happen to know the hexes are 5km across and therefore the movement rates relate to "per 5km", the Mongoose version is useless.  I'll take printouts to the pub of both - the Mongoose for clarity and 'niceness', the GDW for utility.

For anyone that cares, I have found a nice colour map of Aramanx here:
which is fine if you don't mind the T5 style hex grid for a size 6 world and the spelling error in the country of Staxl, but thank you OjnoTheRed, it looks much nicer than anything I could produce.

Well, there's nothing more I can do today.  I'm either ready for this evening or not.  It will probably be fine but it's interesting to note the difference in utter familiarity with a scenario I've written myself and one I'm running from the book - no matter how many times I've read it.  (As I said, it's a fairly complex chapter; at least for this bear of little brain.)  (I've googled roughly how many troops might be in a division / battalion etc which the text is full of.  I know some of you would eat that for breakfast!)  (It probably won't come up, but if it does... I'm ready.)

Also, if I haven't mentioned it, there has been some love from players for the chronology I sent them a week or two back.  Given that we've been playing over 18 months - and are only half way through - it's about as hard to locate their adventures in time as it is in space.  So on the basis that maps have really helped, I've got a three page timeline of what they did when within the game which includes a few news items so I can include some of the plot points that don't mean anything to them yet.  Tonight I intend, before we eat and then play, to run through a dozen of those one line entries as 'highlights' of the whole thing.

Thanks again.  Glad it wasn't me missing something really obvious.
