A brave colleague was up for offering some honest feedback on my blurb for See How They Run.  "It's very boring."

Well, I guess, in an effort not to over egg the pudding, I did keep it fairly bland.  But then I also thought that was in keeping with the whole point of the adventure which was to see 'normal' Zho traders - who just happen to be psionic - in relatively normal settings and trading etc.  And see how they might react to natural disasters (the collapse), man-made disasters like the sentencing of poor old Stinford Glass, and human disasters such as the crew of the Ganymede Express.  In fact, if I've not said so before, I suspect there's a spin off adventure in there in offering the latter as PCs at a convention where their bad luck and poor choices are played up.

Anyway, I've tweaked the description although nothing's changed internally.

Also, as a Brit I should perhaps apologize for blowing my own trumpet in the same description.  It's poor form in our culture!  (Although as I say to my students when I'm teaching them referencing - which is a good way of showing off to their academics about the width and depth of their reading - that no one else is going to blow their trumpet for them).  If anyone does think it's a "bit much", I'll remove it... :-)

While I'm here, I should say a big thank you to all those who've bought either Two Days on Carsten or See How They Run.  I'm excited to be able to announce that I'm very close to putting to bed Eve of Rebellion by Stephen J. Ellis as a third offering - perhaps just in time for the celebration of Holiday at year's end.  You may recall this is the adventure where you play Strephon/Iphegenia/Dulinor/Lucan/Norris in the days leading up to what might or might not be the assassination.  I played this as Strephon and still rate it as one of my top Traveller role playing moments!   (You can see my write up here: https://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/stories/aar-travcon14.html   under 'Second Highlight').  I'm really delighted to have persuaded Stephen to release it more widely.

oh, and I almost daren't even whisper the possibility but I'm very hopeful my bibliography will see light of day very soon too!  I can't tell you how excited I am!



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