Hello David Shaw,

The two cents I'm providing is based on shows like Forensic Files, Doctor G, and Trauma in the ER.

From the show Forensic Files there have been shows that confirms what Richard Aiken, Evyn MacDude, and Rupert Boleyn reported that investigators can determine that wounds have been inflicted prior to or after death.

IIRC from the medical shows like Trauma in the ER and Doctor G rupturing the the jugular or carotid artery one bleeds out in 1 to 3 minutes.

Tom Rux

On July 2, 2018 at 11:28 AM David Shaw <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

...but I know someone here will know the answers, unlike Google.

I am trying to write a scenario for either Call or Trail of Cthulhu where the PCs are investigating a series of grizzly murders. My questions are, with modern forensics and with 1920/30's forensics, would it be possible to tell

a) if a body was beheaded pre- or post-mortem and

b) if someone bleeds to death, how quickly they did so?

Many thanks,

David Shaw

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