Congratulations! You created a thread!

Now you just need to work on your subject lines. ;p

On Fri, Aug 24, 2018, 18:36 Greg Caires <> wrote:

I don’t know how to create TML threads – can you please create a threat or at least send something to the TML subscriber list?


All - with Travellercon coming up in October I'm pulling together my adventure "So Others May Live" and I need playtesters for a new CHARGEN system the players will use.

The PCs are Deep Space Rescue Service personnel - think EMTs & Coast Guardsmen rolled into one, patrolling out about the 100 diameter limit should incoming or outgoing traffic need assistance. They spend most of their time in low berths until needed, then they go to work.

Email me at greg.caires[at]gmail[dot]com if you want a copy of the CHARGEN to playtest. I'm interested in any and all feedback. 





Thanks, Greg


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