Dear Subscriber,

Welcome to June!  Here in Maryland we are having an early cicada invasion.  Part of the "brood" that was not expected to come crawling out of the ground until 2021 has decided, for reasons that are baffling local scientists and experts, to emerge now.  Consequently the trees are filled not just with the normal sound of cicadas (for which it's a bit early anyway) but with a pulsating "woo-woo-woo" that sounds as if the Martians are landing.  We're told, of course, that it's literally cicadas wooing one another...  I suppose Marylanders of the Victorian era must have also experienced cicada invasions (though they probably didn't think to compare them to visiting Martians).  I wonder what they thought of them?  Probably just took them for granted as part of life!  Cicadas are surely among the most fascinatingly ugly bugs of this world - when they first emerge from their little grub husks they are both ugly and amazingly beautiful.  (They also can't fly right away, which provides all sorts of opportunities for some great photos.  It also makes the hungry birds happy!)

In other nature news, two sets of goslings have finally appeared on the nearby pond - one set still in the "golden downy puffball" stage that means they're fairly recently hatched, the other in the awkward gawky stage that suggests they came out around Mother's Day - which has been the traditional "first gosling sighting" day on the pond.  Squirrels are rebuilding their nest in the oak tree, and this concludes my attempt to bring you a nature article along the lines of, say, John Burroughs or Olive Thorne Miller.  And now, besides squirrels and cicadas, here's what we have for June:

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Victorian Times Quarterly #12

Victorian Times Quarterly #12 is coming at the end of the month!  This volume will feature the April, May and June 2017 issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely, easy-to-read print edition. Here's what you'll find in this volume:

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Summer is here - enjoy!

Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen


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