C/2020 X3 and C/2020 S3 imaged during the recent total eclipse Nick James 18 Dec 2020 16:23 UTC

Hi all,

I've just returned from a trip to Argentina with Astro-Trails for the
Dec 14 total eclipse. One of the things I wanted to do was capture
C/2020 S3 (Erasmus) which was 11 degrees west of the Sun and 2 days
after perihelion. It was probably around 5th mag so quite hard to get.

I set up a Sony A7s camera on a fixed tripod with a 100mm, f/2 lens and
left it to run during totality on auto. The exposures used were 1/40s
and it managed around 2 frames/s. This setup gave a FoV of 21x14 deg.

On Dec 13 Worachate Boonplod found a Kreutz sungrazer in the LASCO C3
images which was designated C/2020 X3 (SOHO), CBET 4897. This sungrazer
was visible in images taken during the total eclipse by Andreas Moeller.
Moeller was at the same site as me in Argentina.

I have now processed my images and I have captured both comets, with
tails, in the stacked eclipse image. The full resolution version of this
is here:


The sky and bulk solar corona background has been removed using an r=8
pixel median subtraction.

Getting one comet during an eclipse is quite unusual. Does anyone know
of previous cases where two comets were imaged during an eclipse?
