Lyme event in conjunction with National Trust Sue Birkinshaw 24 Nov 2015 16:32 UTC

Hi All,
We are one of the clubs that is involved with a BOF + NT initiative in putting on a Challenge event. Ours is in the morning of March 12th.
This will basically be a 60 minute Score event, but at some of the controls there will be “challenges” either physical or mental, to get extra points. NT volunteers will be organising the challenges, so our planner has only to create the score course.
As the Challenge event is only open to 16+ we have decided that there should also be an Orange course (and we will also offer the special POC Yellow and White maps/courses).
The aim is to attract non-orienteers and there will be prizes. That probably means that the controls shouldn’t be too difficult.
You can see the details on our website.

Please will someone volunteer to be the planner. I am organising. A controller would also be useful but is not essential.
