Bindery procedures - request for summary -- Sarah Tusa Stephen D. Clark 16 Jun 2000 19:05 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bindery procedures  - request for summary
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 13:52:19 -0500
From: "Sarah D. Tusa" <>
Organization: Lamar University

Greetings.  I have been asked to summarize the responses I received to
my inquiry regarding bindery procedures.  I'm not sure how to go about
this.  I received links or files from several helpful individuals, and
some of these documents are quite comprehensive.  I am wary of
broadcasting their documentation without their permission.  Perhaps one
or two of them would post their bindery procedures to the list.  This is
just a suggestion.  I hope it helps.  I would share my own procedures in
a heartbeat, but I don't know how to summarize the kind of detailed
procedures that I most thankfully received.
I hope I can be more helpful in the future.  If there are specific
questions about procedures, I will be happy to share tips from the
procedures I received, once I have had a chance to at  least skim some
of them.  This may take a while.
Sarah Tusa
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
Mary & John Gray Library
Lamar University