Re: Revista brasileira de estudos politicos (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 22 Aug 2000 16:25 UTC

3 messages, 128 lines:

Date:         Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:05:04 -0400
From:         Timothy Gatti <tgatti@CSC.ALBANY.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Revista brasileira de estudos politicos


We've received up to no. 86, which we received in September 1999 (see our
receiving history below).

NO.86 Received:09/16/99
NO.85 Received:03/27/98
NO.84 Received:04/15/97
NO.83 Received:11/25/96

I'd tell you who our vendor is, but it's coded as "UNKNOWN."  I think
we've received it free directly from the vendor in the past.


Timothy H. Gatti
Head, Database maintenance, processing and bindery
University at Albany, State University of New York
University Libraries B-35
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
518-442-3889 (phone)
518-442-3630 (fax)

Date:         Tue, 22 Aug 2000 09:14:57 -0400
From:         June Rutkowski <rutkowsk@FAS.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Revista brasileira de estudos politicos

We checked in #86 (Jan. 1998) in May of 1998.  We have received no
response to claims we have sent for 87 and following.  Our order is with
the publisher.

June Rutkowski
Team Leader for Serial Records
Room 196
Widener Library
Cambridge, MA 02138  USA
(617) 495-2422
FAX 617 495-0403

Date:         Tue, 22 Aug 2000 09:22:27 -0400
From:         Joseph Sollitto <sollitto@FAXON.COM>
Subject:      Re: FW: Revista brasileira de estudos politicos

Dear Ms. Aiello:

We can verify that publication has continued through no.86, January 1998,
which apparently was received in May 1998. It is uncertain whether this
publication ceased with this issue or whether it is delayed.

We are checking, and shall advise further if we learn anything.

I hope that this information is helpful.

Joseph Sollitto, Editor
Serials Update Service
Faxon, A RoweCom Company

For more information on serials changes, go to:

At 04:41 PM 8/21/00 -0400, Christopher Waldrop wrote:

>Hi Helen,
>We used to receive this through Library of Congress Field Director
>Frida Garbati in Brazil. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but
>according to our correspondence with her, this title ceased with no.84--
>the last issue you received. The publisher "cancelled" all plans for
>future issues.
>I hope this helps.
>On 21 Aug 2000, at 15:24, Helen Aiello wrote:
>> Does anyone have any information on the title:
>> Revista brasileira de estudos políticos (ISSN:0034-7191)
>> Our last receipt was for no.84, published in 1997.
>> We have received nothing since then!
>> OCLC does not show it as having ceased so am not sure what is going
>> on....and our vendor has not been able to give us much information.....
>> Anyone have any info, and, if you have received current issues, can you
>> let me know with whom you have the subscription?
>> Thanks for your efforts...
>> *****************************************************************
>> Helen M. Aiello, Serials Librarian
>> Wesleyan University Library
>> Periodical Dept., P.O. Box 2799
>> Middletown, CT 06459-9299.
>> USA
>> Voice: (860) 685-3828
>> e-mail:
>> Fax: (860) 685-2661
>Christopher Waldrop
>Serials Coordinator
>Vanderbilt University Library
>Order Services Department
>Tel: 615-322-2409
>Fax: 615-343-8834
>"But the truth is you can't buy cool and you can't
>create it with a label. Wearing the right things
>only takes money, while wearing the wrong things
>takes initiative. And what, I should like to know,
>is so great about being cool anyway?" -Ben Elton