Re: Newsletter directory -- Judy Salk Stephen D. Clark 13 Dec 2000 15:47 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Newsletter directory -- Susan Harman
   Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 10:11:35 -0500

Ulrich's does include newsletters--nearly 18,000 of them--and all are
searchable by subject in the online or CD-ROM versions.

Judy Salk
Dir. Product Dev.
R.R. Bowker
121 Chanlon Rd.
New Providence, NJ 07974 USA
908-665-2847 (tel)
908-508-7695 (fax)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Newsletter directory
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:33:09 -0500
From: Susan Harman <>
Organization: Maryland Historical Society

Dear Serialists;

I've been asked a question I hope you can help me with, since I'm a
little stumped right now.  I'd be glad to hear there's something obvious

I'm missing!

 I belong to a small non-profit association in the field of performing
arts medicine.  The director has asked me (their only librarian member)
for help in locating newsletters where they could advertize their June
20001 meeting.  Since money is very short, they were hoping to find
newsletters (as opposed to journals) that would place the information in

a calendar listing for free.

Since I left the medical library field, I don't have access to print
medical reference tools or music tools.  Our library doesn't get
Ulrich's (don't ask!), but I don't think that included newsletters
anyway.  I tried using some of the library web sites, but it seems most
of them have links to e-journals.  I also thought of going to a site
like the American Medical Association's and checking their links to
medical societies, but I'm not sure that would get the right information


I'd appreciate hearing about any sort of newsletter directory or
something similar, preferably on the web, but also in print.  It would
need to have a subject index or search feature.  Thanks.

Susan E. Harman
Associate Director for Technical Services
Maryland Historical Society Library
201 W. Monument St.
Baltimore, Md. 21201
410-685-3750 ext. 362
fax 410-385-0487