Re: Controlling Electronic Journals, Serials Solutions (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 31 Jul 2001 18:39 UTC

2 messages, 85 lines:

Date:    Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:45:21 -0400
From:    Susana Hernandez-Kurtulus <Susana.Hernandez-Kurtulus@MED.VA.GOV>
Subject: Re: Controlling Electronic Journals

Please, share results of the survey with the group.

 Susana Hernandez-Kurtulus <Susana.Hernandez-Kurtulus@MED.VA.GOV>

Date:         Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:35:56 -0400
From:         Carolyn Gaswick <Cgaswick@ALBION.EDU>
Subject:      Serials Solutions

Mary Beth Bell's question about Serials Solutions has motivated me to
respond about the very same question which I posed on the list last week.
The responses I've received have all been positive.  Maintaining such a
list in-house is very time consuming, and Serials Solutions can be a big

There were some recommendations that I also check out Journal Web Cite and
TDNet.  In some cases the file is maintained on your library server, in
other cases it is maintained on the vendor server.  There are also
differences in use statistics.

Thanks to all of you who took time to reply to my query!

Carolyn Gaswick
Head, Periodicals and Documents
Stockwell-Mudd Libraries
Albion College
Albion, MI 49224

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 12:17 PM
From: Mary Beth Bell <mbell@OSWEGO.EDU>
Subject: Controlling Electronic Journals


I am new to this list.  Hope my question is relevant
for discussion here.

At ALA this summer, I visited the booth of Serials
Solutions, a vendor that specializes in helping
libraries create a list of their electronic journal titles,
and then keep that list up-to-date in a timely manner.
While we are currently using an in-house program
to accomplish this at SUNY (State Univ. of NY)
at Oswego, it is labor intensive and time-consuming
to maintain, and a Library Director, my feeling is that
it makes sense to turn the whole process over to
someone else to manage for us.

I am wondering if others on this list are currently working
with either Serials Solutions, or some other vendor offering
this same type of service?  If so, what has your experience

If at all possible, I would like to be able to develop a list
that is both subject coded and searchable by keyword
in title.

A longer range goal is to process at least brief catalog
records for the thousands of electronic journals to which we
subscribe.  The current cost of doing this and the staff time it
would require make this a more difficult solution.  Further,
even when we do accomplish this goal, a separate journal
list will probably remain popular, as it has always been.
If we can eventually merge our print journal list with the
electronic journal list, this would also be highly desirable.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Mary Beth Bell
Library Director
Penfield Library
SUNY Oswego